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I want to hide the "Data sheet" tab (where the product features are displayed) when there are no features selected. Here is the code from my template:

{block name='product_features'}
    {if $product.grouped_features}
        <section class="product-features">
            <dl class="data-sheet">
                {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
                    <dt class="name">{$feature.name}</dt>
                    <dd class="value">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</dd>

What should I add to this code, so the "Data sheet" tab is hidden when there is no features selected for the product.



Hello. I want to hide the "Data sheet" tab (where the product features are displayed) when there are no features selected. Here is the code from my template:

{block name='product_features'}
    {if $product.grouped_features}
        <section class="product-features">
            <dl class="data-sheet">
                {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
                    <dt class="name">{$feature.name}</dt>
                    <dd class="value">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</dd>

What should I add to this code, so the "Data sheet" tab is hidden when there is no features selected for the product.

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