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How Prestashop Encryption Password works.


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Good day,
I am trying to check how to the prestashop backoffice password encryption works.
Checking some examples as the follow:



namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Crypto;

$plaintextPassword = '123456';
$crypto = new Hashing();
$encryptedPassword = $crypto->hash($plaintextPassword, _COOKIE_KEY_);

echo 'Clear: '.$plaintextPassword.'<br />Encrypted: '.$encryptedPassword;

/* Result (example)
Clear: 123456
Encrypted: $2y$10$6b460aRLklgWblz75NAMteYXLJwjfV6a/uN8GJKgJgPDBuNhHs.ym */


Seems not to work anymore with version as i just get error when trying to test.

What is the encryption method prestashop is using? is it still md5 or hash?

I am developing an external API to modify some database info on out shop tables and i want to set a login like the one of the backoffice uses with encrypting the password for more security.

Can someone tell me how it works with this new version please?

Thanks in advance and have a good day

Edited by Skuiz (see edit history)
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