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[SOLVED IN FORGE] Bug in regular checkout process in PS & 1.4.1

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There is a modification that I find very strange in PS which was not in the previous versions including PS1.4.0.7.
This modification concern the checkout process.

Here is how the checkout process was before PS
Add article to the cart -> go to the cart page -> click on button next -> create account or log in (Authentication page) -> Addresses page -> Shipping page -> Payment page

Here is how it is now in PS
Add article to the cart -> go to the cart page -> click on button 'Next' -> create account or log in (Authentication page) -> redirected to the cart page with addresses below -> click again on the button 'Next' -> Addresses page -> Shipping page -> Payment page

So basically you have added one more step in the checkout process which is both useless and very confusing for customers.
Is there any way to correct that?


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