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\classes\Cart.php (esto no está terminado pero sirve)
Se agrega esta funcion debajo de:
public function getTotalShippingCost($delivery_option = null, $use_tax = true, Country $default_country = null)
public function getTotalImportCost($use_tax = true) { if ($this->getTotalWeight() > 0 && $this->getTotalWeight() <= 0.2) { $totalweight = 0.2; // Peso mínimo } else { $totalweight = $this->getTotalWeight(); } $importCost = $totalweight * (21.5 * Context::getContext()->currency->getConversionRate()); // USD 21.5 costo en dólares americanos (moneda principal) $_total_importcost['with_tax'] = $importCost; $_total_importcost['without_tax'] = $importCost/1.1; // Impuesto 10% return ($use_tax) ? $_total_importcost['with_tax'] : $_total_importcost['without_tax']; }
<p><strong>{l s='Total products:' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</strong> {$cart.subtotals.products.value}</p> <p><strong>{l s='Total import:' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</strong> {$cart.subtotals.import_cost.value}</p> {** Se agrega esta línea *} <p><strong>{l s='Total shipping:' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</strong> {$cart.subtotals.shipping.value} {hook h='displayCheckoutSubtotalDetails' subtotal=$cart.subtotals.shipping}</p>
Se agrega:
$importCost = $cart->getTotalImportCost($this->includeTaxes()); if ($importCost > 0) { $subtotals['import_cost'] = [ 'type' => 'import_cost', 'label' => $this->translator->trans('Import Cost', [], 'Shop.Theme.Checkout'), 'amount' => $importCost, 'value' => $this->priceFormatter->format($importCost), ]; }
Antes de:
if (!$cart->isVirtualCart()) { $shippingCost = $cart->getTotalShippingCost(null, $this->includeTaxes()); } else { $shippingCost = 0; } $subtotals['shipping'] = [ 'type' => 'shipping', 'label' => $this->translator->trans('Shipping', [], 'Shop.Theme.Checkout'), 'amount' => $shippingCost, 'value' => $this->getShippingDisplayValue($cart, $shippingCost), ];
Se reemplaza:
public function getTotal($ignoreProcessedFlag = false) { if (!$this->isProcessed && !$ignoreProcessedFlag) { throw new \Exception('Cart must be processed before getting its total'); } $amount = $this->getRowTotalWithoutDiscount(); $amount = $amount->sub($this->rounded($this->getDiscountTotal(), $this->computePrecision)); $shippingFees = $this->fees->getInitialShippingFees(); if (null !== $shippingFees) { $amount = $amount->add($this->rounded($shippingFees, $this->computePrecision)); } $wrappingFees = $this->fees->getFinalWrappingFees(); if (null !== $wrappingFees) { $amount = $amount->add($this->rounded($wrappingFees, $this->computePrecision)); } return $amount; }
public function getTotal($ignoreProcessedFlag = false) { if (!$this->isProcessed && !$ignoreProcessedFlag) { throw new \Exception('Cart must be processed before getting its total'); } $amount = $this->getRowTotalWithoutDiscount(); $amount = $amount->sub($this->rounded($this->getDiscountTotal(), $this->computePrecision)); $importCostFees = $this->fees->getInitialImportCostFees(); // Se agrega if (null !== $importCostFees) { // Se agrega $amount = $amount->add($this->rounded($importCostFees, $this->computePrecision)); // Se agrega } // Se agrega $shippingFees = $this->fees->getInitialShippingFees(); if (null !== $shippingFees) { $amount = $amount->add($this->rounded($shippingFees, $this->computePrecision)); } $wrappingFees = $this->fees->getFinalWrappingFees(); if (null !== $wrappingFees) { $amount = $amount->add($this->rounded($wrappingFees, $this->computePrecision)); } return $amount; }
Se agrega:
class Fees { /** * @var AmountImmutable */ protected $importCostFees; /** * @var AmountImmutable */ protected $finalImportCostFees;
public function __construct(?int $orderId = null) { $this->importCostFees = new AmountImmutable(); // Se agrega esta línea $this->shippingFees = new AmountImmutable(); $this->orderId = $orderId; }
/** * @param Cart $cart * @param CartRowCollection $cartRowCollection * @param int $computePrecision * @param int $id_carrier */ public function processCalculation( Cart $cart, CartRowCollection $cartRowCollection, $computePrecision, $id_carrier = null ) { $this->importCostFees = new AmountImmutable( // Se agrega esta línea $cart->getTotalImportCost(true), // Se agrega esta línea $cart->getTotalImportCost(false) // Se agrega esta línea ); // Se agrega esta línea $this->finalImportCostFees = clone $this->importCostFees; // Se agrega esta línea if ($id_carrier === null) { $this->shippingFees = new AmountImmutable( $cart->getTotalShippingCost(null, true), $cart->getTotalShippingCost(null, false) ); } else {