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ssl and image loading only after refresh


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hello everyone, I'm having a problem that is driving me crazy.

Basically when I have ssl active and I go to my site, some of it is loaded, I update the page and load other things, after 3/4 page refresh, it adds all the images. If, on the other hand, I deactivate ssl, everything goes smoothly. Do you have any ideas?


in the url friendly setting I have this wording (URL rewrite (mod_rewrite) is not active on the server or you cannot verify the server configuration. If you want to use understandable URLs, you need to activate this mod.),

but on the hosting server the mod_rewrite is active

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Hello, Your site show this error in console net::ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM. your server refuse those file . also $.cookie is not a function due to file not load correctly. As all file can't be load correctly the site js break and content load problem.


You can contact hosting provide about this refuze.  this article may help you https://www.ionos.co.uk/digitalguide/hosting/technical-matters/err-connection-refused/


Thank you

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