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[SOLUCIONADO] Error Fatal - no carga web

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Amigos buen dia,

de la noche a la mañana dejó de funcionar mi web. revisando el foro encontré como ver el error en si, encontré lo siguiente:

Advertencia : require (/ home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / vendor / composer /../ symfony / polyfill-mbstring / bootstrap.php): no se pudo abrir la secuencia: no existe ese archivo o directorio en / home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp /vendor/composer/autoload_real.php en la línea 75

Error fatal : require (): Falló la apertura requerida '/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php' (include_path = '/ home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / vendor / pear / pear_exception: / home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / vendor / pear / console_getopt: / home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / vendor / pear / pear-core-minimal /src:/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/opt/alt/php71/usr/share/pear ') en/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php en la línea 75

Alguien más le sucedió? como solucionarlo. ayudaaaaaaa :(


Edited by Antony Mauricio Roja (see edit history)
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Please enable debug mode of the PrestaShop  and also remove the cache from /var/cache/pro and /var/cache/dev and check it solved or not. PrestaShop old version has security issue. Not sure some one remove files from your server.


You can install a same PrestaShop version in different folder and replace  vendor folder from that folder and check it solved or not


Thank you

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Activé el modo depuración y me muestra lo que publiqué inicialmente:

Warning: require(/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 75

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php' (include_path='/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/pear/pear_exception:/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/opt/alt/php71/usr/share/pear') in /home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 75

Como podría solucionarlo?

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Gracias, copié la carpeta composer de otra instalación y ahora me muestra un error diferente.

Error fatal : Error no detectado: la clase 'ComposerAutoloaderInit7159f9622c476d2833a650e128d8e03f' no se encuentra en /home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/autoload.php:7 Stack trace: # 0 / home / fishaquarium / public_html / home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / config / config.inc.php (35): require_once ('/ home / fishaquar ...') # 2 / home / fishaquariummark / public_html / famp / index.php (27): require ('/ home / fishaquar ...') # 3 {main} lanzado en /home/fishaquariummark/public_html/famp/vendor/autoload.php en la línea 7


Como solucionarlo, les agradeceria.

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Please clear the cache folder from /var/cache/pro and /var/cache/dev and also from back end and then check.  You can send your site url so that i can check any console error show or not

Good to see your site live from error. do not forget to click love icon of the answer

Thank you

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