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[Solved] Paypal Return Error - shipping address required

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Hi I am new to PS but think it is great software. I am using PS1.4.1 and Paypal v2.4
I am only selling download products. Working through setting up the Paypal process and
all works great, ie can select product, add to cart, go through 5 step payment process,
select Paypal, enter credit card details, then when I am returned to my store to this page
/store/modules/paypal/payment/submit.php?fromPayPal I get this message

(with Debug turned on)

Please refer to logs:
01.Making new connection to 'api-3t.paypal.com/nvp'
02.Connect with CURL method successful
03.Sending this params:
04.METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION;=.......blah blah blah.............
05.Send with CURL method successful
06.PayPal response:
07.TIMESTAMP -> 2011-04-25T00:48:32Z
08.CORRELATIONID -> 54a2ceb96d95d
09.ACK -> Failure
10.VERSION -> 60.0
11.BUILD -> 1838679
12.L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10727
13.L_ERRORCODE1 -> 10728
14.L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Shipping Address1 Empty
15.L_SHORTMESSAGE1 -> Shipping Address City Empty
16.L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The field Shipping Address1 is required
17.L_LONGMESSAGE1 -> The field Shipping Address City is required

There is nothing the the Log, I am assuming this under Tools/Log

Can anyone give me clue what this is about


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From the error message, it seems that the shipping address is not passed to Paypal.
In general checkout process, if user reaches payment page, user is already logged in and all address are already registered.

Are you using one Express Checkout or Guest Checkout?

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Hi shokinro

I found the debug option under the Paypal settings and ran the process again, have updated the orginal post with the longer error message.
I have logged in as my test customer before shopping, the other thing is the credit card details are I am using is a different name, not sure if that would be an issue.


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Hi shokinro

Not sure what you mean by remove Express Chackout. I have attached a image os the setting for Paypal, Express checkout is not ticked.
Also tried shopping without logging in, when i go to the cart I am prompted to log in.
Another thought, as this is only download products I do not require customers to provide an address when registering. So if this info is trying to be passed to paypal there is none.
(I have seen thread in this forum to remove the delivery address part of the checkout process and will be doing this later, I hope :-) )

I appreciate your help, do you have any other thoughts?



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Not sure what you mean by remove Express Chackout.

At the line 04 message you listed up, it says "METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION;...",
From the method "DoExpressCheckoutPayment", I read it as post a Express checkout payment.

Another thought, as this is only download products I do not require customers to provide an address when registering

I am not sure about this, I guess this could be the cause of problem. You can have a try to input address to see if it works.
You can also have a try to use Express Checkout function of Paypal module 2.4 to see if it works for you or not.

By the way, I also have a Express Checkout module that does not require customer input any information payment until payment finished. And the module will create customer account automatically with the customer information at Paypal, if are you interested, you can have a look at
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On the registration I commented out the fields for address, city and phone numbers, then removed the check for those required fields. My reg process now works as required, but I am sure I am not the only person that is trying to sell download products using paypal and the requirement for address and delivery info is not required to be sent to paypal to complete the transaction.

I am hoping I have just missed a couple of simple steps, but still hunting forums and google for answers.

Prestashop is a great bit of software but I think it lets itself down with limited info and process for the download only market.

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It actually is a requirement, at least with the new modules.

You can try to download an old version of the paypal module which was working without an address.

However, it was added as a security layer to prevent fraud, I also sell downloadable files, and it's always a good idea to have address verification

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Thanks for the info. i understand now. will think about both options. Adding the address requirement back in or downloading an older version of paypal module. Any idea where i might download that from?? Thanks

Update: Added address field back into registration form and all good now.

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