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#28 - Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received


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Hello, need help.

On the same vps I have two identical shops with module XML feeds Pro installed on both.

And on first one when I try to validate xml on salidzini.lv price comparison portal, I got this:

Norādītais fails nav pieejams. HTTP code: 0

#28 - Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

Of course, the products cannot be uploaded to salidzini.lv, after the daily try it writes that the file is empty. :-)

But it's not. I've checked the salidzni.lv's requirements for xml file - everything is OK. Their support thinks that this is the hosting fault, but it's not for sure.

On the second shop which is the same (modules and theme are the same, just products are different) there is no problem at all.

And the other price comparison portals like kurpirkt.lv and ceno.lv are accepting it with no problem.


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