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Rogue customer

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with my shop. . . . .

Basically as soon as my shop went live, before i had chance to edit all the default items in my shop to my products it seems that i had a customer go and purchace an i pod nano from the examples on the site ( my store does not sell ipods ).

I don't know if this is a test customer to explian how invoicing and payment ect works but my back office now shows on its opening page "1 order placed" and "£625.69 of sales" and in the orders tab one customer awaiting payment details . How do i cancel this customer( so to start from invoice 1 and record my sales from 0.00 to start a fresh for when i launch my site with the real products for sale.



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"..... then access your sql database go to the orders table (probably named either ps_orders or orders) and delete the only order that should be there (should be id 1) "

appologies i am new to the whole concept of Mysql databases . Ive attached a screen grab of the only place on the admin site that i can't delete the John Doe order. Then when i access my mysql database and access the orders/ ps_orders files i am faced with this table but i can't figure out what and how to delete from the database. any ideas?




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