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Problem with activation SSL - PS


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I have problem with save setting "Enable SSL. After saved setting, button still is disable. When i trying set button to" on ", ssl work in back office.

I removed cache, recompilation theme and set in database ssl "1" but in back office ssl is still disable.

PHP 7.2

Edited by Balicus (see edit history)
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20 minutes ago, Balicus said:

I have problem with save setting "Enable SSL. After saved setting, button still is disable. When i trying set button to" on ", ssl work in back office.

I removed cache, recompilation theme and set in database ssl "1" but in back office ssl is still disable.

PHP 7.2

did you check to don't have some "mixed content" somewhere?


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16 minutes ago, Balicus said:

In desription was some img with https but now i changed (to http) it and still cant enable ssl.

it's the opposite... everything needs to be https. If there's mixed content somewhere, this can breack SSL (just also inside backoffice, i remember when times ago some example themes pictures from prestashop were hosted on http and break the backoffice SSL when checking things related to themes, just inside that part)


Edited by Danny (see edit history)
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19 minutes ago, Balicus said:

Without changes. Previous, all work on old hosting, after transfer is problem.

first, probably we need to know if migration/change domain/server was done appropriately ... then 

check inside your cpanel if SSL is correctly installed/active. If this is the case, then you have some items (most likely pictures) not being served from https but from http somewhere that breack the SSL (also just somewhere and probably not on the entire website, expecially if this happens inside backoffice). Check the browser consolle to know where this happens. In PS, enable SSL and enable SSL on all pages.

Check this (old but maybe useful) if there's a solution for you:


Edited by Danny (see edit history)
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