You can increase your website speed checking these things:
- using appropriate image compression and size (avoid .png images and any large images)
- using a mix of colours-B/N images (lighter)
- disabling unused modules and using less mudules as possible (desktop AND/OR mobile)
- disabling the preview animation product at least inside home page
- avoid using too much (and heavy) sliders/animations
- avoid using too much categories and themes that trigger dozens of requests on the server
- avoid using duplicated content/modules (generally happens with facebook buttons, multiple chat systems etc...)
- using Apache Gzip compression AND http2 on server
- using cache appropriately
- checking php.ini file (and options) through cpanel
- optimizing MySql db through phpmyadmin (just the automatic process is ok)
- reducing web crawlers/bots visiting your site through robots.txt and .htaccess
Using cpanel inside php---> php options increase some values:
memory_limit = set 512/1024M,
opcache.memory_consumption = set 128M,
xcache.size = set 128M,
max_input_vars = set 1400,
output_buffering = set 4096,
realpath_cache_size = set 4096K,
realpath_cache_ttl = set 120 (if you have a website that doesn't change often its content, this value could be increased)
NB. If your values are already = or > of these, leave them that way. Remove the Google module signup on top.