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Hi guys im adding custom field into presta product page. Hi guys I'm adding a custom field to the admin product page I need your help because I'm missing something.

What did till now:

1. I've add new field to table ps_product

hide_discount_table - tinyint(1) - NOT NULL

2. override/classes/Product.php

public $hide_discount_table;
public function __construct($id_product = null, $full = false, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null, Context $context = null)
        self::$definition['fields']['hide_discount_table'] = array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'shop' => true, 'validate' => 'isBool');

3. src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductInformation.php

// LINE 238
->add('hidden_discount_table', FormType\CheckboxType::class, [
	'label' => $this->translator->trans('Hide discount table', [], 'Admin.Global'),
	'required' => false,

4. src/PrestaShopBundle/Model/Product/AdminModelAdapter.php:

private $translatableKeys = array(
	//...LINE 140
private $unmapKeys = array(
	//... LINE 161
private function mapStep1FromData(Product $product)
	return array(
		//... LINE 518
		'hide_discount_table' => $product->hide_discount_table== 0 ? false : true,

5. src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/ProductPage/product.html.twig:

        {% block product_panel_essentials %}
          {% set formQuantityShortcut = form.step1.qty_0_shortcut is defined ? form.step1.qty_0_shortcut : null  %}
          {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/essentials.html.twig', {
              'formPackItems': form.step1.inputPackItems,
              'productId': id_product,
              'images': form.step1.vars.value.images,
              'formShortDescription': form.step1.description_short,
              'formDescription': form.step1.description,
              'formManufacturer': form.step1.id_manufacturer,
              'formHiddenDiscount': form.step1.hide_discount_table, // NEW ENTERY
              'formFeatures': form.step1.features,
              'formManufacturer': form.step1.id_manufacturer,
              'formRelatedProducts': form.step1.related_products,
              'is_combination_active': is_combination_active,
              'has_combinations': has_combinations,
              'formReference': form.step6.reference,
              'formQuantityShortcut': formQuantityShortcut,
              'formPriceShortcut': form.step1.price_shortcut,
              'formPriceShortcutTTC': form.step1.price_ttc_shortcut,
              'formCategories': form.step1,
        {% endblock %}

6. src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/ProductPage/Panels/essentials.html.twig (in right column)

<div class="form-group mb-4">
  <h2>Additional features</h2>
  {{ form_widget(formHiddenDiscount) }} 

On front-end i can print the value from DB in product.tpl


That works fine.

What doesnt work:

  • Saving changes - it save other changes but doesnt see checkbox






Hi guys im adding custom field into presta product page. Hi guys I'm adding a custom field to the admin product page I need your help because I'm missing something.

What did till now:

1. I've add new field to table ps_product

hide_discount_table - tinyint(1) - NOT NULL

2. override/classes/Product.php

public $hide_discount_table;
public function __construct($id_product = null, $full = false, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null, Context $context = null)
        self::$definition['fields']['hide_discount_table'] = array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'shop' => true, 'validate' => 'isBool');

3. src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductInformation.php

// LINE 238
->add('hidden_discount_table', FormType\CheckboxType::class, [
	'label' => $this->translator->trans('Hide discount table', [], 'Admin.Global'),
	'required' => false,

4. src/PrestaShopBundle/Model/Product/AdminModelAdapter.php:

private $translatableKeys = array(
	//...LINE 140
private $unmapKeys = array(
	//... LINE 161
private function mapStep1FromData(Product $product)
	return array(
		//... LINE 518
		'hide_discount_table' => $this->product->hide_discount_table,

5. src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/ProductPage/product.html.twig:

        {% block product_panel_essentials %}
          {% set formQuantityShortcut = form.step1.qty_0_shortcut is defined ? form.step1.qty_0_shortcut : null  %}
          {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/essentials.html.twig', {
              'formPackItems': form.step1.inputPackItems,
              'productId': id_product,
              'images': form.step1.vars.value.images,
              'formShortDescription': form.step1.description_short,
              'formDescription': form.step1.description,
              'formManufacturer': form.step1.id_manufacturer,
              'formHiddenDiscount': form.step1.hide_discount_table, // NEW ENTERY
              'formFeatures': form.step1.features,
              'formManufacturer': form.step1.id_manufacturer,
              'formRelatedProducts': form.step1.related_products,
              'is_combination_active': is_combination_active,
              'has_combinations': has_combinations,
              'formReference': form.step6.reference,
              'formQuantityShortcut': formQuantityShortcut,
              'formPriceShortcut': form.step1.price_shortcut,
              'formPriceShortcutTTC': form.step1.price_ttc_shortcut,
              'formCategories': form.step1,
        {% endblock %}

6. src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/ProductPage/Panels/essentials.html.twig (in right column)

<div class="form-group mb-4">
  <h2>Additional features</h2>
  {{ form_widget(formHiddenDiscount) }} 

On front-end i can print the value from DB in product.tpl


That works fine.

What doesnt work:

  • Saving changes - it save other changes but doesnt see checkbox
  • Reading data from database. If i change the value of 'hide_discount_table' in the phpMyadmin for a product page i dont see the changes.

I think i'm missing code for controller. Please help.



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