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Prestashop Version: 1.7.7


Hello there,

I've modified a module (inside Appareal theme) so that I can show a string/notification. The module is idxquickorder (Quick Order), from PS.

The string appears where it is supposed to be. However, I can't find it in the International/Translations (Translate installed modules, module selecterd, language selected->Click on modify).


I've been following the docs (https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/creation/module-translation/new-system/) but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried different approaches but without luck.

Here is my code, from the file \themes\apparel\modules\idxrquickorder\views\templates\front\common\product-list.tpl

  <span class ="avisoComprado" id="avisoComprado_{$product['id_product']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">

                                 {l s='Added to cart' d='idxrquickorder'}

As I said, the code works as expected, and apparentely other strings in the module itself are added using exactly the same convention. 

Following PS guides, I've tried different approaches like:

{l s='Added to cart' d='Modules.Idxrquickorder.Product-list'}

Nothing has worked so far.

Any help would be much appreciated




Prestashop Version: 1.7.7


Hello there,

I've modified a module (inside Appareal theme) so that I can show a string/notification. The module is idxquickorder (Quick Order), from PS.

The string appears where it is supposed to be. However, I can't find it in the International/Translations (Translate installed modules, module selecterd, language selected->Click on modify).


I've been following the docs (https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/creation/module-translation/new-system/) but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried different approaches but without luck.

Here is my code, from the file \themes\apparel\modules\idxrquickorder\views\templates\front\common\product-list.tpl

  <span class ="avisoComprado" id="avisoComprado_{$product['id_product']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">

                                 {l s='Added to cart' d='idxrquickorder'}

As I said, the code works as expected, and apparentely other strings in the module itself are added using exactly the same convention. 

Following PS guides, I've tried different approaches like:

{l s='Added to cart' d='Modules.Idxrquickorder.Product-list'}

Nothing has worked so far.

Any help would be much appreciated




Prestashop Version: 1.7.7


Hello there,

I've modified a module (inside Appareal theme) so that I can show a string/notification. The module is idxquickorder (Quick Order), from PS.

The string appears where it is supposed to be. However, I can't find it in the International/Translations (Translate installed modules, module selecterd, language selected->Click on modify).


I've been following the docs (https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/creation/module-translation/new-system/) but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried different approaches but without luck.

Here is my code, from the file \themes\apparel\modules\idxrquickorder\views\templates\front\common\product-list.tpl

  <span class ="avisoComprado" id="avisoComprado_{$product['id_product']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">

                                 {l s='Added to cart' d='idxrquickorder'}

As I said, the code works as expected, and apparentely other string in the module itself are adding using exactly the same convention. 

Following PS guides, I've tried different approaches like:

{l s='Added to cart' d='Modules.Idxrquickorder.Product-list'}

Nothing has worked so far.

Any help would be much appreciated


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