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changing shop logo position in the home page


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i found file " v_824_fedf1fdcf73a075910071891fed53ebc_all.css" but as soon as i cleared cache it disappeared so i think this file is not permanent file. 

any suggestions which file should i edit . I tried to edit filer header.tpl but nothing changed 

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Its a 5 second edit.

As above, edit the file /themes/theme1224/css/global.css and just add the code supplied above.

Or if you wish to centre it then add

#header_logo {
    display: block;
    margin: 10px 0 0 0;
    text-align: center;


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thank you for your response. I do not want to put my shop logo in the center of my home page but i just want to move the logo slightly  approximate 3mm to the right and 3mm down . Can you please advise on how tom achieve that 

Thank you,


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As mentioned above:

Edit the file /themes/theme1224/css/global.css and just add the code supplied above.


#header_logo img { margin-top: 50px; margin-left: -19px; }

You can put this basically anywhere in the file as long as it is right after a }

You can change the 50px to suit, that will move the image down

You can change the -19px to suit. that moves it left. to move it right, just use a positive number like 10px.


The mention above to "centre" the logo is useful info for others reading this thread and may not be directly aimed at the OP.

#header_logo { display: block; margin: 10px 0 0 0; text-align: center; }

This code moves the image down 10 pixels and centres it on the screen.


I hope that clears things up for you.



Edited by madpugger (see edit history)
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