tout a commencé par un pb de création de produits avec de nombreuses déclinaisons, j'avais le message m'indiquant d'augmenter max_input_vars à 25000, j'ai donc suivi les instructions de IONOS pour créer mon php.ini avec cette instruction, je l'ai placé à la racine de ma boutique, puis j'ai suivi les instructions ici et j'ai désormais des dossiers php.ini de lien symbolique dans tous les répertoires.
De là, page blanche en BO et FO, je décide donc de commenter mon php.ini et je récupère le FO, je le réactive et ça reste ok, bref à n'y rien comprendre, ensuite je souhaite donc travailler sur ce fameux produit et là ça plante, je peux revenir sur le tableau de bord et je me dis qu'il faut vider le cache et ceux du navigateur.
Après le vide du cache, ça a planté car j'ai obtenu une page blanche à l'admin, j'ai même supprimé manuellement les 2 dossiers du cache DEV et PROD mais rien n'y fait j'ai toujours la page blanche.
J'ai activé le mode debug et voici ce que j'ai (hors le fichier util n'existe pas dans les répertoires indiqués dans les fichiers du
Quote(2/2) FileLoaderLoadException
The file "util" does not exist (in: ../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core, ../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config) in ../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml (which is being imported from "../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml").
in FileLoader.php line 168
at FileLoader->doImport('../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml', null, false, '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in FileLoader.php line 79
at FileLoader->import('services/core/*.yml', null, false, '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195
at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('parameters' => array('multishop.settings.share_orders' => 'share_order'), 'imports' => array(array('resource' => 'services/bundle/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/core/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/adapter/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/alias.yml'))), '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127
at YamlFileLoader->load('services.yml')in PrestaShopExtension.php line 48
at PrestaShopExtension->load(array(array('addons' => array('categories' => array(array('id_category' => 440, 'order' => 10, 'name' => 'Administration', 'link' => '/en/440-administration', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '435', 'name' => 'Legal', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'legal', 'link' => '/en/435-legal', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '527', 'name' => 'Registration & Ordering Process', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'registration-ordering-process', 'link' => '/en/527-registration-ordering-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '437', 'name' => 'Notifications & Automatic Emails', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'emails-notifications', 'link' => '/en/437-emails-notifications', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '448', 'name' => 'Price Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-management', 'link' => '/en/448-price-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '441', 'name' => 'Order Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'order-management', 'link' => '/en/441-order-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '446', 'name' => 'Accounting & Invoicing', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'accounting-invoicing', 'link' => '/en/446-accounting-invoicing', 'tab' => 'billing_invoicing'), array('id_category' => '433', 'name' => 'Fast & Mass Update', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'fast-mass-updates', 'link' => '/en/433-fast-mass-updates', 'tab' => 'quick_bulk_update'), array('id_category' => '451', 'name' => 'Data Import & Export', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-import-export', 'link' => '/en/451-data-import-export', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '452', 'name' => 'Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP...)', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'link' => '/en/452-third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '453', 'name' => 'Analytics & Statistics', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'analytics-statistics', 'link' => '/en/453-analytics-statistics', 'tab' => 'analytics_stats'), array('id_category' => '209', 'name' => 'Dashboards', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'dashboards', 'link' => '/en/209-dashboards', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '432', 'name' => 'Website Performance', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-performance', 'link' => '/en/432-website-performance', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '436', 'name' => 'International & Localization', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'international-localization', 'link' => '/en/436-international-localization', 'tab' => 'i18n_localization'), array('id_category' => '431', 'name' => 'Data migration & Backup', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-migration-backup', 'link' => '/en/431-data-migration-backup', 'tab' => 'migration_tools'), array('id_category' => '543', 'name' => 'Administrative Tools', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'administrative-tools', 'link' => '/en/543-administrative-tools', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '429', 'name' => 'Security & Access', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-security-access', 'link' => '/en/429-website-security-access', 'tab' => 'administration')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 455, 'order' => 90, 'name' => 'Facebook & Social Networks', 'link' => '/en/455-facebook-social-networks', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '456', 'name' => 'Share Buttons & Comments', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'share-buttons-comments', 'link' => '/en/456-share-buttons-comments', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '457', 'name' => 'Social Login & Connect', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-login-connect', 'link' => '/en/457-social-login-connect', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '458', 'name' => 'Social Rewards & Coupons', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-rewards-coupons', 'link' => '/en/458-social-rewards-coupons', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '459', 'name' => 'Products on Facebook & Social Networks', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'link' => '/en/459-products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '539', 'name' => 'Social Widgets', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-widgets', 'link' => '/en/539-social-widgets', 'tab' => 'social_networks')), 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => 460, 'order' => 40, 'name' => 'Product Page', 'link' => '/en/460-product-page', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '462', 'name' => 'Visual Products', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'visual-products', 'link' => '/en/462-visual-products', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '463', 'name' => 'Videos & Music', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'videos-music', 'link' => '/en/463-videos-music', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '467', 'name' => 'Combinations & Product Customization', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'combinaisons-customization', 'link' => '/en/467-combinaisons-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '465', 'name' => 'Badges & Logos', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'labels-logos', 'link' => '/en/465-labels-logos', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '466', 'name' => 'Sizes & Units', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'sizes-units', 'link' => '/en/466-sizes-units', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '545', 'name' => 'Additional Information & Product Tab', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'additional-information-product-tab', 'link' => '/en/545-additional-information-product-tab', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 469, 'order' => 100, 'name' => 'Specialized Platforms', 'link' => '/en/469-specialized-platforms', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '434', 'name' => 'B2B', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'b2b', 'link' => '/en/434-b2b', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '443', 'name' => 'Dropshipping', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'dropshipping', 'link' => '/en/443-dropshipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '474', 'name' => 'Virtual Products', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'virtual-products', 'link' => '/en/474-virtual-products', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '529', 'name' => 'Subscription Products (box)', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'subscription-products', 'link' => '/en/529-subscription-products', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '472', 'name' => 'Marketplace Creation', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplace-creation', 'link' => '/en/472-marketplace-creation', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '473', 'name' => 'Reservation & Rental System', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'reservation-rental-system', 'link' => '/en/473-reservation-rental-system', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '470', 'name' => 'Auction Site', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'build-auction-site', 'link' => '/en/470-build-auction-site', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '623', 'name' => 'Food & Restaurants', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'food-restaurants', 'link' => '/en/623-food-restaurants')), 'tab' => 'others'), array('id_category' => 475, 'order' => 80, 'name' => 'Customers', 'link' => '/en/475-customers', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '480', 'name' => 'Customer Reviews', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-reviews', 'link' => '/en/480-customer-reviews', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '537', 'name' => 'Customer Administration', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-administration', 'link' => '/en/537-customer-administration', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '438', 'name' => 'Quotes', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'quotes', 'link' => '/en/438-quotes', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '442', 'name' => 'Customer Service', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-service', 'link' => '/en/442-customer-service', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '476', 'name' => 'Contact Forms & Surveys', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'contact-forms-surveys', 'link' => '/en/476-contact-forms-surveys', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '479', 'name' => 'FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'link' => '/en/479-faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '477', 'name' => 'Support & Online Chat', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'support-online-chat', 'link' => '/en/477-support-online-chat', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 481, 'order' => 50, 'name' => 'Payment', 'link' => '/en/481-payment', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '482', 'name' => 'Payment by Card or Wallet', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-card-wallet', 'link' => '/en/482-payment-card-wallet', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '534', 'name' => 'Bank Transfer Payment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'bank-transfer-payment', 'link' => '/en/534-bank-transfer-payment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '483', 'name' => 'Payment by Invoice', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-invoice', 'link' => '/en/483-payment-invoice', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '486', 'name' => 'Prepayment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'prepayment', 'link' => '/en/486-prepayment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '485', 'name' => 'Cash On Delivery (COD)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'cash-on-delivery-cod', 'link' => '/en/485-cash-on-delivery-cod', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '484', 'name' => 'Payment in Physical Stores', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-physical-stores', 'link' => '/en/484-payment-physical-stores', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '487', 'name' => 'Point of Sale (POS)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'point-of-sale-pos', 'link' => '/en/487-point-of-sale-pos', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '530', 'name' => 'Other Payment Methods', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'other-payment-methods', 'link' => '/en/530-other-payment-methods', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '627', 'name' => 'Recurring payment (subscription)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'recurring-payment-subscription', 'link' => '/en/627-recurring-payment-subscription')), 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => 488, 'order' => 70, 'name' => 'Traffic & Marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/488-traffic-marketplaces', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '489', 'name' => 'Marketplaces', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/489-marketplaces', 'tab' => 'market_place'), array('id_category' => '490', 'name' => 'Price Comparison', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-comparison', 'link' => '/en/490-price-comparison', 'tab' => 'smart_shopping'), array('id_category' => '491', 'name' => 'SEO', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'link' => '/en/491-seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '531', 'name' => 'URL & Redirects', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'url-redirects', 'link' => '/en/531-url-redirects', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '495', 'name' => 'Blog, Forum & News', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'blog-forum-new', 'link' => '/en/495-blog-forum-new', 'tab' => 'content_management'), array('id_category' => '493', 'name' => 'SEA SEM (paid advertising) & Affiliation Platforms', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'link' => '/en/493-sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing')), 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => 496, 'order' => 30, 'name' => 'Promotions & Marketing', 'link' => '/en/496-promotions-marketing', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '500', 'name' => 'Newsletter & SMS', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'newsletter-sms', 'link' => '/en/500-newsletter-sms', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '497', 'name' => 'Promotions & Gifts', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'promotions-gifts', 'link' => '/en/497-promotions-gifts', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '503', 'name' => 'Referral & Loyalty Programs', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'referral-loyalty-programs', 'link' => '/en/503-referral-loyalty-programs', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '499', 'name' => 'Flash & Private Sales', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'private-sales-flash-sales', 'link' => '/en/499-private-sales-flash-sales', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '501', 'name' => 'Remarketing & Shopping Cart Abandonment', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'link' => '/en/501-remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '505', 'name' => 'Cross-selling & Product Bundles', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'cross-selling-product-bundles', 'link' => '/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles', 'tab' => 'merchandizing'), array('id_category' => '502', 'name' => 'Pop-up', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'pop-up', 'link' => '/en/502-pop-up', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '533', 'name' => 'Contests', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'contests', 'link' => '/en/533-contests', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '504', 'name' => 'Wishlist & Gift Card ', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'wishlist-gift-card', 'link' => '/en/504-wishlist-gift-card', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => 507, 'order' => 20, 'name' => 'Design & Navigation', 'link' => '/en/507-design-navigation', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '513', 'name' => 'Menu', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'menu', 'link' => '/en/513-menu', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '517', 'name' => 'Blocks, Tabs & Banners', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'blocks-tabs-banners', 'link' => '/en/517-blocks-tabs-banners', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '461', 'name' => 'Sliders & Galleries', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'sliders-galleries', 'link' => '/en/461-sliders-galleries', 'tab' => 'slideshows'), array('id_category' => '510', 'name' => 'Search & Filters', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'search-filters', 'link' => '/en/510-search-filters', 'tab' => 'search_filter'), array('id_category' => '516', 'name' => 'Page Customization', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'page-customization', 'link' => '/en/516-page-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '511', 'name' => 'Navigation Tools', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'navigation-tools', 'link' => '/en/511-navigation-tools', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '538', 'name' => 'Products on Homepage', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-homepage', 'link' => '/en/538-products-homepage', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '512', 'name' => 'Brands & Manufacturers', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'brands-manufacturers', 'link' => '/en/512-brands-manufacturers', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '509', 'name' => 'Express Checkout Process', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'express-checkout-process', 'link' => '/en/509-express-checkout-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '508', 'name' => 'Mobile', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'mobile', 'link' => '/en/508-mobile', 'tab' => 'mobile')), 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => 518, 'order' => 60, 'name' => 'Shipping & Logistics', 'link' => '/en/518-shipping-logistics', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '444', 'name' => 'Stock & Supplier Management', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'stock-supplier-management', 'link' => '/en/444-stock-supplier-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '519', 'name' => 'Preparation & Shipping', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'preparation-shipping', 'link' => '/en/519-preparation-shipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '520', 'name' => 'Shipping Carriers', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-carriers', 'link' => '/en/520-shipping-carriers', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '523', 'name' => 'Shipping Costs', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-costs', 'link' => '/en/523-shipping-costs', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '521', 'name' => 'Collection Points & In-Store Pick Up', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'link' => '/en/521-collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '522', 'name' => 'Delivery Date', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-date', 'link' => '/en/522-delivery-date', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '524', 'name' => 'Delivery Tracking', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-tracking', 'link' => '/en/524-delivery-tracking', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')), 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')))), array('addons' => array('prestatrust' => array('enabled' => true), 'api_client' => array('ttl' => 7200))), array('addons' => array('api_client' => array('ttl' => 300)))), object(MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 71
at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 39
at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140
at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789
at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643
at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135
at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195
at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 82
Quote(1/2) FileLocatorFileNotFoundException
The file "util" does not exist (in: ../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core, ../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config).
in FileLocator.php line 71
at FileLocator->locate('util', '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core', true)in FileLoader.php line 110
at FileLoader->glob('/*', false, null, false)in FileLoader.php line 78
at FileLoader->import('util/*', null, false, '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195
at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('imports' => array(array('resource' => 'util/*')), 'services' => array('_defaults' => array('public' => true), 'prestashop.core.util.url.url_file_checker' => array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Core\\Util\\Url\\UrlFileChecker', 'arguments' => array('@=service("prestashop.adapter.legacy.configuration").get("_PS_ROOT_DIR_")')), 'prestashop.core.uti.back_url_provider' => array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Core\\Util\\Url\\BackUrlProvider'), 'prestashop.core.util.color_brightness_calculator' => array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Core\\Util\\ColorBrightnessCalculator'), 'prestashop.core.util.arabic_to_latin_digit_converter' => array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Core\\Util\\ArabicToLatinDigitConverter'), 'prestashop.core.util.internationalized_domain_name_converter' => array('class' => 'PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Core\\Util\\InternationalizedDomainNameConverter'))), '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127
at YamlFileLoader->load('../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml', null)in FileLoader.php line 153
at FileLoader->doImport('../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services/core/util.yml', null, false, '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in FileLoader.php line 79
at FileLoader->import('services/core/*.yml', null, false, '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 195
at YamlFileLoader->parseImports(array('parameters' => array('multishop.settings.share_orders' => 'share_order'), 'imports' => array(array('resource' => 'services/bundle/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/core/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/adapter/*.yml'), array('resource' => 'services/alias.yml'))), '../src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/services.yml')in YamlFileLoader.php line 127
at YamlFileLoader->load('services.yml')in PrestaShopExtension.php line 48
at PrestaShopExtension->load(array(array('addons' => array('categories' => array(array('id_category' => 440, 'order' => 10, 'name' => 'Administration', 'link' => '/en/440-administration', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '435', 'name' => 'Legal', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'legal', 'link' => '/en/435-legal', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '527', 'name' => 'Registration & Ordering Process', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'registration-ordering-process', 'link' => '/en/527-registration-ordering-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '437', 'name' => 'Notifications & Automatic Emails', 'i/monsited_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'emails-notifications', 'link' => '/en/437-emails-notifications', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '448', 'name' => 'Price Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-management', 'link' => '/en/448-price-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '441', 'name' => 'Order Management', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'order-management', 'link' => '/en/441-order-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '446', 'name' => 'Accounting & Invoicing', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'accounting-invoicing', 'link' => '/en/446-accounting-invoicing', 'tab' => 'billing_invoicing'), array('id_category' => '433', 'name' => 'Fast & Mass Update', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'fast-mass-updates', 'link' => '/en/433-fast-mass-updates', 'tab' => 'quick_bulk_update'), array('id_category' => '451', 'name' => 'Data Import & Export', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-import-export', 'link' => '/en/451-data-import-export', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '452', 'name' => 'Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP...)', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'link' => '/en/452-third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp', 'tab' => 'export'), array('id_category' => '453', 'name' => 'Analytics & Statistics', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'analytics-statistics', 'link' => '/en/453-analytics-statistics', 'tab' => 'analytics_stats'), array('id_category' => '209', 'name' => 'Dashboards', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'dashboards', 'link' => '/en/209-dashboards', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '432', 'name' => 'Website Performance', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-performance', 'link' => '/en/432-website-performance', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '436', 'name' => 'International & Localization', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'international-localization', 'link' => '/en/436-international-localization', 'tab' => 'i18n_localization'), array('id_category' => '431', 'name' => 'Data migration & Backup', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'data-migration-backup', 'link' => '/en/431-data-migration-backup', 'tab' => 'migration_tools'), array('id_category' => '543', 'name' => 'Administrative Tools', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'administrative-tools', 'link' => '/en/543-administrative-tools', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '429', 'name' => 'Security & Access', 'id_parent' => '440', 'link_rewrite' => 'website-security-access', 'link' => '/en/429-website-security-access', 'tab' => 'administration')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 455, 'order' => 90, 'name' => 'Facebook & Social Networks', 'link' => '/en/455-facebook-social-networks', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '456', 'name' => 'Share Buttons & Comments', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'share-buttons-comments', 'link' => '/en/456-share-buttons-comments', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '457', 'name' => 'Social Login & Connect', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-login-connect', 'link' => '/en/457-social-login-connect', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '458', 'name' => 'Social Rewards & Coupons', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-rewards-coupons', 'link' => '/en/458-social-rewards-coupons', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '459', 'name' => 'Products on Facebook & Social Networks', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'link' => '/en/459-products-on-facebook-social-networks', 'tab' => 'social_networks'), array('id_category' => '539', 'name' => 'Social Widgets', 'id_parent' => '455', 'link_rewrite' => 'social-widgets', 'link' => '/en/539-social-widgets', 'tab' => 'social_networks')), 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => 460, 'order' => 40, 'name' => 'Product Page', 'link' => '/en/460-product-page', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '462', 'name' => 'Visual Products', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'visual-products', 'link' => '/en/462-visual-products', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '463', 'name' => 'Videos & Music', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'videos-music', 'link' => '/en/463-videos-music', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '467', 'name' => 'Combinations & Product Customization', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'combinaisons-customization', 'link' => '/en/467-combinaisons-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '465', 'name' => 'Badges & Logos', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'labels-logos', 'link' => '/en/465-labels-logos', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '466', 'name' => 'Sizes & Units', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'sizes-units', 'link' => '/en/466-sizes-units', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '545', 'name' => 'Additional Information & Product Tab', 'id_parent' => '460', 'link_rewrite' => 'additional-information-product-tab', 'link' => '/en/545-additional-information-product-tab', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 469, 'order' => 100, 'name' => 'Specialized Platforms', 'link' => '/en/469-specialized-platforms', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '434', 'name' => 'B2B', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'b2b', 'link' => '/en/434-b2b', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '443', 'name' => 'Dropshipping', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'dropshipping', 'link' => '/en/443-dropshipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '474', 'name' => 'Virtual Products', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'virtual-products', 'link' => '/en/474-virtual-products', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '529', 'name' => 'Subscription Products (box)', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'subscription-products', 'link' => '/en/529-subscription-products', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '472', 'name' => 'Marketplace Creation', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplace-creation', 'link' => '/en/472-marketplace-creation', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '473', 'name' => 'Reservation & Rental System', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'reservation-rental-system', 'link' => '/en/473-reservation-rental-system', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '470', 'name' => 'Auction Site', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'build-auction-site', 'link' => '/en/470-build-auction-site', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '623', 'name' => 'Food & Restaurants', 'id_parent' => '469', 'link_rewrite' => 'food-restaurants', 'link' => '/en/623-food-restaurants')), 'tab' => 'others'), array('id_category' => 475, 'order' => 80, 'name' => 'Customers', 'link' => '/en/475-customers', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '480', 'name' => 'Customer Reviews', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-reviews', 'link' => '/en/480-customer-reviews', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '537', 'name' => 'Customer Administration', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-administration', 'link' => '/en/537-customer-administration', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '438', 'name' => 'Quotes', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'quotes', 'link' => '/en/438-quotes', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '442', 'name' => 'Customer Service', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'customer-service', 'link' => '/en/442-customer-service', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '476', 'name' => 'Contact Forms & Surveys', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'contact-forms-surveys', 'link' => '/en/476-contact-forms-surveys', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '479', 'name' => 'FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'link' => '/en/479-faq-frequently-asked-questions', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '477', 'name' => 'Support & Online Chat', 'id_parent' => '475', 'link_rewrite' => 'support-online-chat', 'link' => '/en/477-support-online-chat', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => 481, 'order' => 50, 'name' => 'Payment', 'link' => '/en/481-payment', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '482', 'name' => 'Payment by Card or Wallet', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-card-wallet', 'link' => '/en/482-payment-card-wallet', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '534', 'name' => 'Bank Transfer Payment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'bank-transfer-payment', 'link' => '/en/534-bank-transfer-payment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '483', 'name' => 'Payment by Invoice', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-invoice', 'link' => '/en/483-payment-invoice', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '486', 'name' => 'Prepayment', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'prepayment', 'link' => '/en/486-prepayment', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '485', 'name' => 'Cash On Delivery (COD)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'cash-on-delivery-cod', 'link' => '/en/485-cash-on-delivery-cod', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '484', 'name' => 'Payment in Physical Stores', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'payment-physical-stores', 'link' => '/en/484-payment-physical-stores', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '487', 'name' => 'Point of Sale (POS)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'point-of-sale-pos', 'link' => '/en/487-point-of-sale-pos', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '530', 'name' => 'Other Payment Methods', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'other-payment-methods', 'link' => '/en/530-other-payment-methods', 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => '627', 'name' => 'Recurring payment (subscription)', 'id_parent' => '481', 'link_rewrite' => 'recurring-payment-subscription', 'link' => '/en/627-recurring-payment-subscription')), 'tab' => 'payments_gateways'), array('id_category' => 488, 'order' => 70, 'name' => 'Traffic & Marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/488-traffic-marketplaces', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '489', 'name' => 'Marketplaces', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'marketplaces', 'link' => '/en/489-marketplaces', 'tab' => 'market_place'), array('id_category' => '490', 'name' => 'Price Comparison', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'price-comparison', 'link' => '/en/490-price-comparison', 'tab' => 'smart_shopping'), array('id_category' => '491', 'name' => 'SEO', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'link' => '/en/491-seo-natural-search-engine-optimization', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '531', 'name' => 'URL & Redirects', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'url-redirects', 'link' => '/en/531-url-redirects', 'tab' => 'seo'), array('id_category' => '495', 'name' => 'Blog, Forum & News', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'blog-forum-new', 'link' => '/en/495-blog-forum-new', 'tab' => 'content_management'), array('id_category' => '493', 'name' => 'SEA SEM (paid advertising) & Affiliation Platforms', 'id_parent' => '488', 'link_rewrite' => 'sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'link' => '/en/493-sea-paid-advertising-affiliation-platforms', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing')), 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => 496, 'order' => 30, 'name' => 'Promotions & Marketing', 'link' => '/en/496-promotions-marketing', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '500', 'name' => 'Newsletter & SMS', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'newsletter-sms', 'link' => '/en/500-newsletter-sms', 'tab' => 'emailing'), array('id_category' => '497', 'name' => 'Promotions & Gifts', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'promotions-gifts', 'link' => '/en/497-promotions-gifts', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '503', 'name' => 'Referral & Loyalty Programs', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'referral-loyalty-programs', 'link' => '/en/503-referral-loyalty-programs', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '499', 'name' => 'Flash & Private Sales', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'private-sales-flash-sales', 'link' => '/en/499-private-sales-flash-sales', 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => '501', 'name' => 'Remarketing & Shopping Cart Abandonment', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'link' => '/en/501-remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '505', 'name' => 'Cross-selling & Product Bundles', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'cross-selling-product-bundles', 'link' => '/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles', 'tab' => 'merchandizing'), array('id_category' => '502', 'name' => 'Pop-up', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'pop-up', 'link' => '/en/502-pop-up', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '533', 'name' => 'Contests', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'contests', 'link' => '/en/533-contests', 'tab' => 'advertising_marketing'), array('id_category' => '504', 'name' => 'Wishlist & Gift Card ', 'id_parent' => '496', 'link_rewrite' => 'wishlist-gift-card', 'link' => '/en/504-wishlist-gift-card', 'tab' => 'front_office_features')), 'tab' => 'pricing_promotion'), array('id_category' => 507, 'order' => 20, 'name' => 'Design & Navigation', 'link' => '/en/507-design-navigation', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '513', 'name' => 'Menu', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'menu', 'link' => '/en/513-menu', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '517', 'name' => 'Blocks, Tabs & Banners', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'blocks-tabs-banners', 'link' => '/en/517-blocks-tabs-banners', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '461', 'name' => 'Sliders & Galleries', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'sliders-galleries', 'link' => '/en/461-sliders-galleries', 'tab' => 'slideshows'), array('id_category' => '510', 'name' => 'Search & Filters', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'search-filters', 'link' => '/en/510-search-filters', 'tab' => 'search_filter'), array('id_category' => '516', 'name' => 'Page Customization', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'page-customization', 'link' => '/en/516-page-customization', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '511', 'name' => 'Navigation Tools', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'navigation-tools', 'link' => '/en/511-navigation-tools', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '538', 'name' => 'Products on Homepage', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'products-homepage', 'link' => '/en/538-products-homepage', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '512', 'name' => 'Brands & Manufacturers', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'brands-manufacturers', 'link' => '/en/512-brands-manufacturers', 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => '509', 'name' => 'Express Checkout Process', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'express-checkout-process', 'link' => '/en/509-express-checkout-process', 'tab' => 'checkout'), array('id_category' => '508', 'name' => 'Mobile', 'id_parent' => '507', 'link_rewrite' => 'mobile', 'link' => '/en/508-mobile', 'tab' => 'mobile')), 'tab' => 'front_office_features'), array('id_category' => 518, 'order' => 60, 'name' => 'Shipping & Logistics', 'link' => '/en/518-shipping-logistics', 'parent_link' => '/en/2-prestashop-modules', 'id_parent' => 2, 'categories' => array(array('id_category' => '444', 'name' => 'Stock & Supplier Management', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'stock-supplier-management', 'link' => '/en/444-stock-supplier-management', 'tab' => 'administration'), array('id_category' => '519', 'name' => 'Preparation & Shipping', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'preparation-shipping', 'link' => '/en/519-preparation-shipping', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '520', 'name' => 'Shipping Carriers', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-carriers', 'link' => '/en/520-shipping-carriers', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '523', 'name' => 'Shipping Costs', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'shipping-costs', 'link' => '/en/523-shipping-costs', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '521', 'name' => 'Collection Points & In-Store Pick Up', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'link' => '/en/521-collection-points-in-store-pick-up', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '522', 'name' => 'Delivery Date', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-date', 'link' => '/en/522-delivery-date', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics'), array('id_category' => '524', 'name' => 'Delivery Tracking', 'id_parent' => '518', 'link_rewrite' => 'delivery-tracking', 'link' => '/en/524-delivery-tracking', 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')), 'tab' => 'shipping_logistics')))), array('addons' => array('prestatrust' => array('enabled' => true), 'api_client' => array('ttl' => 7200))), array('addons' => array('api_client' => array('ttl' => 300)))), object(MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 71
at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php line 39
at MergeExtensionConfigurationPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140
at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789
at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643
at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135
at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195
at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 82
Si je laisse activer le mode DEBUG, j'ai même mon FO avec une page d'erreur :
Quote(1/1) ContextErrorException
Warning: Declaration of Cart::getCartRules($filter = CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL, $autoAdd = true) should be compatible with CartCore::getCartRules($filter = CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL, $autoAdd = true, $useOrderPrices = false)
in Cart.php line 100
at ErrorHandler->handleError(2, 'Declaration of Cart::getCartRules($filter = CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL, $autoAdd = true) should be compatible with CartCore::getCartRules($filter = CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL, $autoAdd = true, $useOrderPrices = false)', '../override/classes/Cart.php', 100, array('className' => 'Cart', 'classDir' => '../'))in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152
at require_once()in PrestaShopAutoload.php line 152
at PrestaShopAutoload->load('Cart')in DebugClassLoader.php line 159
at DebugClassLoader->loadClass('Cart')
at spl_autoload_call('Cart')in FrontController.php line 416
at FrontControllerCore->init()in Controller.php line 287
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 518
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28
J'ai donc désativé le mode DEBUG en attendant de trouver une solution.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide