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Can anyone explain the importance of ---> BO > Preferances > Performance >

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been playing with prestashop 1.4 but struggling to understand the BO > Preferances > Performance > TAB.

1) CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)...
Smart cache for CSS
Use CCC for CSS.
Keep CSS as original
Smart cache for JavaScript
Use CCC for JavaScript.
Keep JavaScript as original
Minify HTML
Minify HTML after "smarty compile" execution.
Keep HTML as original
Compress inline JavaScript in HTML
Compress inline JavaScript in HTML after "smarty compile" execution
Keep inline JavaScript in HTML as original
High risk HTML compression
HTML is compressed but cancels the W3C validation (only when "Minify HTML" is enabled)
Keep W3C validation

QUESTION : is this important? is it safe to change? why would i want to change it?what would i use it for?

2) Media servers (used only with CCC)
You must enter another domain or subdomain in order to use cookieless static content.
Media server #1

Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g., myshop-media-server-1.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank
Media server #2

Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g., myshop-media-server-2.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank
Media server #3

Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g., myshop-media-server-3.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank

QUESTION : How or Why would i use these settings? what are they for???

Mcrypt is faster than our custom BlowFish class, but requires the PHP extension "mcrypt". If you change this configuration, all cookies will be reset.
Use Rijndael with mcrypt lib.
Keep the custom BlowFish class.

QUESTION : whats the difference? which one is good and which one is bad?

Use cache:
Enabled Disabled

Enable or disable caching system
Caching system:
Add server

QUESTION : is it bad to not have this enabled? which one is good? which one is bad?

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1. CCC will speed up our shop loading times, so it is quite important. It is rumoured that google is taking loading times into consideration for ranking results. But if your theme is not v1.4 compatible and you turn these on it could break your site.

3. I think these are used for encrypting your site and making it safe to use and reduces the change have hacking success. As the description says Mcrypt is better than blowfish, but you will need the mcrypt extension installed on your server.

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hey man

thanks for replying, these questions have been a concern to me for a while now and not understanding them make it even more of a concern.

With regards to " 1 " , when say compatible...lets say i made my own theme on prestashop 1.4, which i am currently using....does this make it compatible?

cool will have a look at the mcrypt stuff. does mycrypt prevent any modules from working properly?

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  • 1 month later...
I'm not sure about media servers so haven't fiddled with that yet.

4. is part of the caching system for Prestashop. I have mine turned on using file system depth 3. But not really sure what exactly it does.

My site is http://www.snowboarding-goggles.co.uk/ and for me it is pretty quick and I have a slow connection.

for 4. it's for database. memcached use memory to do the cache. it request server to install the module. it's faster than file cache.
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Hey htech,

I think this might help you. I've created a video that covers what I know about these performance settings. You can find that video here: http://www.prestatraining.com/performance-settings-for-prestashop-version-1-4/. Also, you can find a great follow up post on the subject from Angora here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/103628/configuring___using_prestashop/prestashop_v1_dot_4_performance_settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...


when ever I choose this.. Compress inline JavaScript in HTML after "smarty compile" execution
it gives me a fatel error in my store.. I have very few add on modules and the standard template.. I have turned off all modules I added and still get this error.

Any suggestions?

Here is the error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'JSMinException' with message 'Unterminated string literal.' in /home/tinao/public_html/tools/js_minify/jsmin.php:94 Stack trace: #0 /home/tinao/public_html/tools/js_minify/jsmin.php(235): JSMin->action(1) #1 /home/tinao/public_html/tools/js_minify/jsmin.php(64): JSMin->min() #2 /home/tinao/public_html/classes/Tools.php(1253): JSMin::minify('var baseDir = '...') #3 /home/tinao/public_html/classes/Tools.php(1240): ToolsCore::packJS('var baseDir = '...') #4 /home/tinao/public_html/classes/Tools.php(1231): ToolsCore::packJSinHTMLpregCallback(Array) #5 /home/tinao/public_html/config/smarty.config.inc.php(197): ToolsCore::packJSinHTML('/\s*(<script\b[...', Array, '<html <html xmlns="ht...') #7 /home/tinao/public_html/tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php(337): Smarty_Internal_Filter_Handler::runFilter('<html

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