Well, after a lot of reading I tried to add my own module in themes/mytheme/modules.
I created a controller to extend ModuleFrontController : ajax.php in themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front.
To keep it simple code looks like:
<?php class AjaxProductRequestAjaxModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); return 'Hey!'; } }
Now my ajax request in themes/custom.js looks like:
$.ajax({ type: "POST", headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: "../../themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front/ajax.php", data: { ajax: 1, "token" : prestashop.token }, success: function(result) { console.log(result); }, error: function(result) { console.log(result); } });
I also tried with url:
url: "{$link->getModuleLink('ajaxproductrequest','ajax')}"
Both lead me to the same result.
I got rid of the 404 error but now I'm stuck on an error:
Notice: Undefined index: tpl_dir
About that error, I read threads about a module compatibility error with Prestashop version, or a php version error but the module is now really simple as it is so I'm having a hard time understanding this error.
Looks like I got tis error appearing when switching debug mode on
url: "{$link->getModuleLink('ajaxproductrequest','ajax')}"
leads to a 404 error.
url: "../../themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front/ajax.php"
leads to a 500 error with no response details in console (which is why I turned debug mode on in the first place).
After some digging, Notice: Undefined index: tpl_dir came from:
<img class="" src="{$tpl_dir}../../img/p/{$image.id_image}/{$image.id_image}.jpg" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" itemprop="image">
I fixed it using:
<img class="" src="{$urls.img_ps_url}p/{$image.id_image}/{$image.id_image}.jpg" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" itemprop="image">