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[SOLVED] Get selected product combination data with Javascript


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I need to update some of my product.tpl page when the customer selects a variant.

I managed to get the variant id after selection in my theme custom.js file:

prestashop.on('updatedProduct',function(event) {
    let product_id = event.id_product_attribute;

Now I need to get the variant images ids in an array to be able to call the original images.

On the first load I display these images with (it's not very clean I know but I need unprocessed images here to be able to have multiple sizes):

<img class="" src="{$tpl_dir}../../img/p/{$image.id_image}/{$image.id_image}.jpg" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" itemprop="image">

As the front ProductController.php already exists I should not have to make my own controller for this and be able to make an ajax request to it but I can't get it done. I'm struggling on the url for this request.

I tried with some threads on this form to build my request like (knowing I still need to put the product id in there):

prestashop.on('updatedProduct',function(event) {
    let product_id = event.id_product_attribute;

    var postdata = {
        ajax: 1,
        controller: 'Product',
        action: 'getProduct'
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'index.php',
        data: postdata,
        success: function(data){

But I get a 404 error, still struggling with url.

This thread:
looks fine to me too but can't figure out the url part neither.

Any idea on how I could get this done please?

Edited by Shapes (see edit history)
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Well, after a lot of reading I tried to add my own module in themes/mytheme/modules.
I created a controller to extend ModuleFrontController : ajax.php in themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front.

To keep it simple code looks like:


class AjaxProductRequestAjaxModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController 
    public function __construct() 
    public function initContent()
        return 'Hey!'; 

Now my ajax request in themes/custom.js looks like:

    type: "POST",
    headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
    url: "../../themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front/ajax.php",
    data:     {
        ajax: 1,
        "token" : prestashop.token
    success: function(result) {
    error: function(result) {

I also tried with url:

url: "{$link->getModuleLink('ajaxproductrequest','ajax')}"

Both lead me to the same result.
I got rid of the 404 error but now I'm stuck on an error:

Notice: Undefined index: tpl_dir

About that error, I read threads about a module compatibility error with Prestashop version, or a php version error but the module is now really simple as it is so I'm having a hard time understanding this error.




Looks like I got tis error appearing when switching debug mode on


url: "{$link->getModuleLink('ajaxproductrequest','ajax')}"

leads to a 404 error.


url: "../../themes/mytheme/modules/ajaxproductrequest/controllers/front/ajax.php"

leads to a 500 error with no response details in console (which is why I turned debug mode on in the first place).



After some digging, Notice: Undefined index: tpl_dir came from:

<img class="" src="{$tpl_dir}../../img/p/{$image.id_image}/{$image.id_image}.jpg" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" itemprop="image">

I fixed it using:

<img class="" src="{$urls.img_ps_url}p/{$image.id_image}/{$image.id_image}.jpg" alt="{$image.legend}" title="{$image.legend}" itemprop="image">


Edited by Shapes (see edit history)
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Well, going back to the basics in official documentation got me moving forward.

In case this can help someone spare some precious time, I'll list all steps here.

I created a module in root/modules with 2 files:
customajaxrequests > customajaxrequests.php
customajaxrequests > controllers > front > ajax.php

customajaxrequests.php content:

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {

class CustomAjaxRequests extends Module
    public function __construct()
        $this->name = 'customajaxrequests';
        $this->tab = 'front_office_features';
        $this->version = '1.0.0';
        $this->author = 'Name';
        $this->need_instance = 0;
        $this->ps_versions_compliancy = [
            'min' => '1.7',
            'max' => _PS_VERSION_
        $this->bootstrap = true;


        $this->displayName = $this->l('Custom ajax requests');
        $this->description = $this->l('Handle custom ajax requests.');

        $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall?');

        if (!Configuration::get('CUSTOMAJAXREQUESTS_NAME')) {
            $this->warning = $this->l('No name provided');

    public function install()
        if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) {

        if (!parent::install()) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public function uninstall()
        if (!parent::uninstall() || !Configuration::deleteByName('CUSTOMAJAXREQUESTS_NAME')) {
            return false;

        return true;

ajax.php content:


class CustomajaxrequestsAjaxModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function initContent()
        $this->ajax = true;

    public function displayAjax()
        $combinationId = (int)Tools::getValue('product_attribute_id');
        $product = new Product((new Combination($combinationId))->id_product);

        $attibuteValues = $product->getAttributeCombinationsById($combinationId,$this->context->language->id);


I installed the module in Prestashop Backend.

in themes/mytheme/templates/catalog/product.tpl I added:

    var ajaxRequestUrl = "{$link->getModuleLink('shapesajaxrequests', 'ajax', array())}";

in themes/mytheme/assets/js/custom.js I added:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    prestashop.on('updatedProduct',function(event) {
            type: 'POST',
            url: ajaxRequestUrl,
            cache: false,
            data: {
                ajax: true,
                method: 'test',
                product_attribute_id: event.id_product_attribute
            success: function (result) {

The good news is that it seems to work quite fine as I can pass the current product id and the selected combination id to the controller to get some data back in console like:

[[{"id_product_attribute":"5","id_product":"2","reference":"","supplier_reference":"","location":"","ean13":"","isbn":"","upc":"","mpn":"","wholesale_price":"0.000000","price":"0.000000","ecotax":"0.000000","quantity":0,"weight":"0.000000","unit_price_impact":"0.000000","default_on":null,"minimal_quantity":"1","low_stock_threshold":null,"low_stock_alert":"0","available_date":"0000-00-00","id_shop":"1","id_attribute_group":"2","is_color_group":"0","group_name":"Longueur de tige","attribute_name":"20","id_attribute":"1","position":"0"},{"id_product_attribute":"5","id_product":"2","reference":"","supplier_reference":"","location":"","ean13":"","isbn":"","upc":"","mpn":"","wholesale_price":"0.000000","price":"0.000000","ecotax":"0.000000","quantity":0,"weight":"0.000000","unit_price_impact":"0.000000","default_on":null,"minimal_quantity":"1","low_stock_threshold":null,"low_stock_alert":"0","available_date":"0000-00-00","id_shop":"1","id_attribute_group":"1","is_color_group":"1","group_name":"Couleur","attribute_name":"Blue","id_attribute":"11","position":"1"}]]

But yes, there is still a but...
The bad news is that I did not manage to get the info I need from there yet as I need to get the combination original images.
So I have some more work to get done in public function displayAjax().

Any hint would be appreciated here.

Edited by Shapes (see edit history)
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Finally got some image data by changing public function displayAjax():

public function displayAjax()
    $combinationId = (int)Tools::getValue('product_attribute_id');
    $product = new Product((new Combination($combinationId))->id_product);

    $images = $product->getImages($combinationId);


But the result stays the same when changing combination.

Shouldn't $product->getImages($combinationId) get only selected combination images instead of all the images uploaded for the product?

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Well, I don't quite understand the logic compared to previous code but I think I finally got it.

public function displayAjax()
    $combinationId = (int)Tools::getValue('product_attribute_id');
    $product = new Product((new Combination($combinationId))->id_product);

    $images = $product->getCombinationImages($this->context->language->id);
    $selectedCombinationImages = $images[$combinationId];


I do not know if it's the cleanest optimized way but it works.

I have one more thing to figure out though I think as Tools::jsonEncode() appears to be deprecated.

Edited by Shapes (see edit history)
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  • Shapes changed the title to [SOLVED] Get selected product combination data with Javascript

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