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additional group discount doesn’t show in front office


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I am struggling for a few hours on this problem I will be very happy if you can help me out with this..


I need to make another group besides customers that will get 10% off on all the store


The problem is when I add the new group and I put a discount, the customers from this group don’t see any discount..

When I put discount for all customers it’s working but any additional group doesn’t work.


I know how to make discount for different groups and it works perfectly fine, The problems start with additional groups more then The three groups of visitor guest and customers, and with a catalog discount.

in the functionality of prestashop add groups, after I add a group with catalog discount for this specific group.

When the customer from this group will log in it doesn’t display the discount.


I would like to add screenshot so you understand.. 

thank you very much



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No, The default group for store is customer group

But now that you mention that I checked and the person that was in the additional group was checked by a customer group as the default when I did the additional group to be the main group for this person it worked

it means that each person needs to have main group and it will controller is discount.

Big help for me

thank you very very much!!!!

Edited by Natanhendel
Fixing the problem (see edit history)
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