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Hi, i have issue that totals have calculated wrongly.  We are displaying prices with taxes(tax is 20%). 



Our tax: 20%
Client country tax 24%(finland)
Product price: 10€(inc our tax)

When finland client comes and buys something. then system calculates like this: 10€/1.2*1.24. and in order page it shows 10.33 but client paid 10€. 

How i make system to calculate from without VAT price?



Hi, i have issue that tax have calculated wrongly.  We are displaying prices with taxes(tax is 20%). 



Our tax: 20%
Client country tax 24%(finland)
Product price: 10€(inc our tax)

When finland client comes and buys something. then system calculates like this: 10€/1.2*1.24. and in order page it shows 10.33 but client paid 10€. 

How i make system to calculate from without VAT price?



Hi, i have issue that tax have calculated wrongly.  We are displaying prices with taxes(tax is 20%). 



Our tax: 20%
Client country tax 24%(finland)
Product price: 10€(inc our tax)

When finland client comes and buys something. then system calculates like this: 10€/1.2*1.24. and in order page it shows 10.33 but client paid 10€. 



Hi, i have issue, where client pay's (lets say 200€) for goods, but he gets invoice and there it says he paid 205.2. It only happens with card payment. 

In the cart it says also 200€, but in orders page it says 205.2

Also te request amount is also 200 and same with response amount. 

We are using everypay. 



Hi, i have issue, where client pay's (lets say 200€) for goods, but he gets invoice and there it says he paid 205.2. It only happens with card payment. 

In the cart it says also 200€, but in orders page it says 205.2

We are using everypay. 

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