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Include a module's tpl file in cart-summary-totals.tpl

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My controller file inside my module (modules\individualpackaging\controllers\front\task.php) :-

class IndividualpackagingTaskModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function __contruct()
    public function init()
    public function initContent()
        $this->context->smarty->assign('name', 'john');

My view file inside my module (modules\individualpackaging\views\templates\front\task.tpl) :-


cart-summary-totals.tpl file (themes\classic\templates\checkout_partials\cart-summary-totals.tpl) :-

{include file='module:individualpackaging/views/templates/front/task.tpl'}

But it displays nothing. When I preview the task.tpl in browser (mysite.com/module/individualpackaging/task), it displays 'john' successfully, then how come it doesn't get displayed on the cart page? The whole reason I am doing this is because I want to eventually query a custom table in the database and display data on cart page.

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