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csv import combinations is not working right

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Firstly let's just see why do I even wanna solve this problem: Well, I thought when I change from drop down menu different attributes (these attributes has different price on this product) it automaticly changes the price on click. Of couse it does when I create a product manualy in administration and I set up combinations manually and every combinations has impact on price and wholesale price set up. But when I want to import same things via csv import it just isn't working. I have wholesale price in this import and price and everything I need, but it imports only impact on price but it doesn't import wholesale price. To the top of this mess it somehow doesn't overwrite quantity in ps_product table (it only does when I manually after import write again wholesale price in administration in Product -> Info tab and click Save - strange isn't it? - and then it's working)

Can someone tell me what is going on here? I really don't wanna manually add this wholesale price to each of my 8 thousand combinations I have and then overwrite the wholesale price in every product I have to the same wholesale price and then click Save.


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