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Fatal error: Class 'ObjectModel' not found - Product with too many variants


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After adding a product in my store that has too many variantes, I am getting this error:


Fatal error: Class 'ObjectModel' not found in /home/storename/public_html/classes/Configuration.php on line 30


I know its related to this product that has too many varitants because:

  1. this has happened before
  2. When trying to edit the product on back office, before this error started, I could not acess the product page - I had error 500.
  3.  this class ('ObjectModel') its not missing! its actually there in the file.


Anyone know if is possible to delete this only product somehow from my store without acessing the back office?


Im using presta 1.7.2 and php 7.2

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I am experiencing a similar problem.

I get this message when I activate the error log.
But I don't know what's interfering

Fatal error: Class 'ObjectModel' not found in /home.../public_html/....../classes/Configuration.php on line 30

PHP 7.2
Litespeed Server

Edited by sanbikes (see edit history)
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