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Hello, I have a problem with the latest version of prestashop on a brand new installation of prestashop,

as soon as I click on a back office menu, it disconnects me from the back office

in debug mode I have this: vendor / composer /../../ src / Core / Import / File / DataRow / Factory / DataRowCollectionFactoryInterface.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


I am using PHP version 7.3 on a dedicated server.


Has anyone ever had this error?

thank you



Hello, I have a problem with the latest version of prestashop on a brand new installation of prestashop,

as soon as I click on a back office menu, it disconnects me from the back office

in debug mode I have this: vendor / composer /../../ src / Core / Import / File / DataRow / Factory / DataRowCollectionFactoryInterface.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


Has anyone ever had this error?

thank you

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