I'm trying to import a google customer reviews badge into the web(Prestashop 1.6).
The customer has an average rating 4.7 stars
I started with the implementation, Google links to this reference code(example)
<!-- BEGIN GCR Badge Code --> <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=renderBadge" async defer> </script> <script> window.renderBadge = function() { var ratingBadgeContainer = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(ratingBadgeContainer); window.gapi.load('ratingbadge', function() { window.gapi.ratingbadge.render( ratingBadgeContainer, { "merchant_id": 42, "position": "BOTTOM_LEFT" }); }); } </script> <!-- END GCR Badge Code --> <!-- BEGIN GCR Language Code --> <script> window.___gcfg = { lang: 'en_US' }; </script> <!-- END GCR Language Code -->
note: in the merchant center i only found a plan for product reviews but i need customer reviews.
I also imported the code to the web with the correct merchant ID. Google costumer badge did not appear. can you help me how I can do this.
Thx for your time and helping me.