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Upgrade problems, will not recognize mysql

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I recently tried to upgrade to 1.1. 1.0 ran very well except for one major bug, or I would not have bothered. The 1.0 bug was, when I entered a product with multiple colors, it would bring that product up, but it would give a really high price, ie, instead of $12.00, it would list it as $18 or so. I only increased the price for other colors by $1.12, and even when I cleared that field and eliminated all taxes, it still raised the price. It only did it on products with multiple color or size choices. The really weird thing was, if you put it in the cart, it would then revert to the correct price.

Since upgrading, or attempting to, I cannot get prestashop to connect to the database. I tried creating a new database. I tried different versions of sql. I tried setting it up on a different domain. All to no avail.

Too bad. I liked what I saw. I just cannot mess around with it any more. It probably is because of a server problem between godaddy.com and prestashop. I am just not ready to change hosts at this time.

Bummer, Mark

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I do not call them about things they do not auto-install. They will just tell me that everything on their end is working. Next upgrade I may try using prestashop again, or I will switch hosts. I just have a few domains and it is nice to have them all in one place.


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