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PS ClassNotFoundException Attempted to load class "HookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate" from namespace "PrestaShop\Module\Ps_Googleanalytics\Hooks"


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Module GoogleAnalytics v4.1 

A chaque modification de statut d'une commande j'ai une classnotfoundexception :


in modules/ps_googleanalytics/ps_googleanalytics.php (line 184)

Hook called after order status change, used to "refund" order after cancelling it

public function hookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate($params)
$hook = new PrestaShop\Module\Ps_Googleanalytics\Hooks\HookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate($this, $this->context);



Ps_Googleanalytics->hookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate(array('newOrderStatus' => object(OrderState), 'id_order' => 6, 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 3))
in classes/Hook.php (line 970)

Une idée ?

Attempted to load class _HookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate_ from namespace _PrestaShop_Module_Ps_Googleanalytics_Hooks_. Did you forget a _use_ statement for another namespace_ (500 Internal Server Error).pdf

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