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Constant log alerts after every BO action


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Since about 3 weeks everytime anyone changes something in BO (PS I receive an email: You have received a new log alert
Warning: you have received a new log alert in your Back Office.
You can check for it in the "Tools" > "Logs" section of your Back Office.

The severity level is set to 3, but still I get an email for absolutely every action (like saving a product after minor change). We tried changing the level and re-saved. No difference. I also deleted the cache in BO and in files (dev/prod) and re-saved the level. That helped for a couple hours but now log alert emails are coming in again.
It is super annoying as my colleague is just working on about 180 products and the emails are coming in every 1-2 minutes.
I checked old post, but that didn`t help so far. The error code on the log entry is 0.

Any ideas?


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