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Prestashop for an enterprise?


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Is Prestashop a good option for an enterprise?

I don't know what else to ask, I have installed many times PrestaShop, some still working since version 1.6, others are using V1.7, clothing, food, general house supplies and even pets...

But they all a single store, single manager, a few crew-members for marketing and product management, single payment getaway...

Few days ago I got contacted by an agency who happens to have a big and old and very well renown client, they wanted my opinion on what software could be a good eCommerce for an enterprise, they told a few names some very well knows by all and others that I had no idea how they find it...

We spoke for like 4hr straight and what has what and costs, from 15 possible options we manage to reduce the list to 4 very possible solutions, on 3rd place we got PrestaShop, first place Magento...

Personally I'd say PrestaShop because I have used it many times and still giving support to my clients, but I haven had the chance to see the full potential that it has.

A few thing that I haven use or seen that are required for this humongous project.


  • Multi-Store
  • Multi-Stock-Warehouse
  • Multi-Account-Payment-Per-Store


  • ACL-Manager-Per-Store
  • ACL-Crew-Per-Manger-per-store


  • Connection to CRM
  • CRM-per-store


  • Default store per geo-location
  • Default language per geo-location


Some of them maybe done by using a third-party software, but by using third-party software it presents vulnerabilities which I have seen many many times.

Maybe some of the more experienced developers can answer that, me, I'm just a full-stack developer, I can do a software that can do all of that, but why reinvent the wheel, right?

Last time I toke a job similar to this it toke me almost a year to finish it, that is a lot and I really don't wish this kind of stress to anyone.

So, I'm reading you guys, is PS a good option, is the support from PS is good even if it is paid that wont matter(never use it, but maybe this time I'll)...

Thank you.


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It always depends on your needs and your budget as well. You should think at least 5-7 years ahead. When I do that, I ask, is PrestaShop suitable for a headless shop? Everyone knows the answer.

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