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I really need some help on Multistore

Petter Enge

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Very short:

I have installed prestashop under domain strazz.no and have enabled multistore.
I have done all the necessary settings and believe they are correct.
My second shop is eldatech.no and the domain is forwarded (cloacking) to strazz.no
What I see is that when I use strazz.no, the correct page shows up and strazz.no is also in the url windows of the browser.
When I go to eldatech.no, the page that shows up is still the strazz.no page BUT the url in the browser windows is eldatech.no
That is what I find very confusing...


I can also tell thet I hav changed to a new provider.
On my old provider all worked fine with the multishop but on this new provider it does not.
I have moved all files including database from the old to the new provider.  Even the .htaccess

I am using Prestashop and php version 7.3

Can someone please guide me in the right direction ?

Is this depending on the provider ??





Edited by Petter Enge (see edit history)
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