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Can't login to admin after migration from localhost

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As the title said, i can't login admin after migration from localhost.

What is happening :

- the login page appears

- i enter my login / password

- request is sent

- the page reload adding "&redirect=AdminDashboard" at the end of the url

- No error message

What i tried :

- delete var/cache/dev

- delete var/cache/prod

- clear cookie, cache of the browser

- try in two others brothers (edge and firefox)

- rename admin folder

- delete admin/.htaccess

- reset the password using the customer technic (you create an account on the front then you update employee table with the new password)

- ... and several other ways i don't remember.

What i understand :

- There is no error so the combinaison of login password is correct. When i tried with right login and wrong password, an error is displaying.

- My php version is 7.2 and my front is showing products. I haven't tried shopping yet.

- The debug mode is active


Do you know what is the problem ? 

Thanks for your help

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I have the same issue after having a server crash and a restore was done: 


There is one error.

The employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect.

Have tried a number of fixes following instructions on this forum without luck.



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I finally decided to :

erase everything, including the database, and start the installation all over again.

- Then, I recreated each table from the base.

- Then, I inserted the content (which I took care to replace all localhost paths with the domain path) in each table (by small group of tables to avoid errors).

- Finally, I zipped my local prestashop which I put on my ftp.

- After which I created a little php script to unzip it all.

- I ended up modifying the base name, password,…

And everything worked fine.

I'm not sure, but looking back I think I had a problem when importing my database.

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