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Piotr Adamczyk

Piotr Adamczyk

As it turns out template in /themes/name/templates/catalog/_partials/facets.tpl is not taken into consideration while rendering faceted search page / category. In order to modify template contents, overwrite ps_facetedsearch module's template. It is located in \modules\ps_facetedsearch\views\templates\front\catalog\facets.tpl

This very issue has been documented here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/24432

Piotr Adamczyk

Piotr Adamczyk

As it turns out template in /themes/name/templates/catalog/_partials/facets.tpl is not taken into consideration while rendering faceted search page / category. In order to modify template contents, overwrite ps_facetedsearch module's template. It is located in \modules\ps_facetedsearch\views\templates\front\catalog\facets.tpl

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