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Changes in modules don't apply

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I was trying to customize the presentation of a module (homefeatured) for my theme.
So, I went to "modules/homefeatured" in my theme's directory, homefeatured.tpl file, and wrote some random text by the module's title to see if the changes would reflect and everything was ok: the new text was shown by the "Featured Products" title.

Here comes the problem: when I went to delete that random text from homefeatured.tpl (I was going to start working on the theme now), the changes did not apply again, so the browser would still show that random text and would not reflect any other command, text or anything new I would write in the homefeatured.tpl.

If I delete that homefeatured.tpl (in directory my_theme/modules/homefeatured), everything goes back to normal, but if I copy a fresh homefeatured.tpl file in my_theme/modules/homefeatured the "dummy text" appears again.

Anyone can help me here? In the image attached you can see the code in the file my_theme/modules/homefeatured.tpl and what I get on my browser (the default language is spanish. The text that will not go away is "aqui estoy"). No changes has been made on the [root]/modules/homefeatured.tpl file.


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it seems like cache and compiling related issue.
Not sure what version of PrestaShop you are using.

if you are using 1.4x, then go following page at back office, try to set Force Compile to Yes
Preference tab - Performance sub tab

if you use old version, you can go following folder to delete the compiled file directly to force compile

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