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Mam jeszcze moduł od mypresta od hooków - Hooks Manager v1.3.2 - z
Wszystkie wpisy z action-product to:
491actionProductCoverage - actionProductCoverage
304actionProductPreferencesPageSave - Modify product preferences page options form saved dataThis hook allows to modify data of product preferences page options form after it was saved
277actionProductPreferencesPageForm - Modify product preferences page options form contentThis hook allows to modify product preferences page options form FormBuilder
184actionProductFlagsModifier - Customize product labels displayed on the product list on FOThis hook allows to add and remove product labels displayed on top of product images
139actionProductSearchAfter - Event triggered after search product completedThis hook is called after the product search. Parameters are already filter
87actionProductSave - Saving productsThis hook is called while saving products
69actionProductAttributeDelete - Product attribute deletionThis hook is displayed when a product's attribute is deleted
59actionProductAttributeUpdate - Product attribute updateThis hook is displayed when a product's attribute is updated
58actionProductOutOfStock - Out-of-stock productThis hook displays new action buttons if a product is out of stock
56actionProductCance - lProduct cancelledThis hook is called when you cancel a product in an order
24actionProductDelete - Product deletionThis hook is called when a product is deleted
18actionProductUpdate - Product updateThis hook is displayed after a product has been updated
17actionProductAdd - Product creationThis hook is displayed after a product is created