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Disable block categories-tree in BO


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I have to disable the category tree in BO because I have about 20,000 vehicle categories, the loading time is more too long, 10 times out of 9 I get error 500, and when it works it never completes the page loading as seen in the attached photo .
If I enable debugging to find what to change I always get error 500. What and where to change to disable it?



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Disable main functionality?

And how will you classify the products into the appropriate categories?

The biggest problems in product administration are the MailAlerts module and a large number of combinations.

Loading 20k categories from the database does not take more than 2 seconds.

The problem will be elsewhere.

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the problem is in the categories, the prestashop installation is clean, there are no modules installed I just started entering the categories, when I started to reach the 5000 categories I received OutOfMemoryException, adding others and arriving around 5500 categories I get error 500. By increasing the value of memorylimit in php.ini from 512M to 1024M I had no problems, by the time I approached the 10000 categories same problem so I brought memorylimit to 3072M but now I have reached 20000 categories same problem. Memory usage is excessive. Disabling the block, I will associate the categories with a specific php extension.


The problem occurs with prestashop 1.6 and 1.7, if you want to test it send the sql of the categories.

Edited by sney1984
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Your problem is probably related to the fact that either one or more categories are looped.

E.g. in the category database there is a category 4 id and the parent id will be 20 and then there will be a category 20 id and a parent id 4.

Another question is, how did you add 10k categories to your eshop?

Import from CSV or some script?


Please read:


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I added the categories via my PHP extension which you see in the attached images. I enter the html, clean it and categorize the vehicles.

The problem is only in the product editor, in the product list, the category filter loads quickly








Edited by sney1984 (see edit history)
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