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Added prestashop version



I'm trying to remove the shop name prefix from emails subject.

Sounds quite easy, therefore I just comment out below line ./classes/Mail.php:

$subject = '[' . strip_tags($configuration['PS_SHOP_NAME']) . '] ' . $subject;

But...here magic appears. I changed the status of a test order to force mail notification, keeping my fingers crossed but I received email with added prefix! :)

I have forced recompilation, cache is OFF, all changes are immediately visible.

I've moved one step forward and I also comment out:


and it works like a charm - I received email without subject.

Seems, that Mail::Send function is somewhere invoked with shop name prefix added (subject argument)

    public static function send(
        $toName = null,
        $from = null,
        $fromName = null,
        $fileAttachment = null,
        $mode_smtp = null,
        $templatePath = _PS_MAIL_DIR_,
        $die = false,
        $idShop = null,
        $bcc = null,
        $replyTo = null,
        $replyToName = null


Does anyone have an idea, what's going on?

I'm an software engineer, but experienced with embedded systems rather than web development - and this is my first attempt to setup the shop.



BTW: If this may help. I changed the shop name yesterday. Displayed name in email is correct (new shop name) but the email subject contains old shop name, what is also strange. 



Added prestashop version



I'm trying to remove the shop name prefix from emails subject.

Sounds quite easy, therefore I just comment out below line ./classes/Mail.php:

$subject = '[' . strip_tags($configuration['PS_SHOP_NAME']) . '] ' . $subject;

But...here magic appears. I changed the status of a test order to force mail notification, keeping my fingers crossed but I received email with added prefix! :)

I have forced recompilation, cache is OFF, all changes are immediately visible.

I've moved one step forward and I also comment out:


and it works like a charm - I received email without subject.

Seems, that Mail::Send function is somewhere invoked with shop name prefix added (subject argument)

    public static function send(
        $toName = null,
        $from = null,
        $fromName = null,
        $fileAttachment = null,
        $mode_smtp = null,
        $templatePath = _PS_MAIL_DIR_,
        $die = false,
        $idShop = null,
        $bcc = null,
        $replyTo = null,
        $replyToName = null


Does anyone have an idea, what's going on?

I'm an software engineer, but experienced with embedded systems rather than web development - and this is my first attempt to setup the shop.





I'm trying to remove the shop name prefix from emails subject.

Sounds quite easy, therefore I just comment out below line ./classes/Mail.php:

$subject = '[' . strip_tags($configuration['PS_SHOP_NAME']) . '] ' . $subject;

But...here magic appears. I changed the status of a test order to force mail notification, keeping my fingers crossed but I received email with added prefix! :)

I have forced recompilation, cache is OFF, all changes are immediately visible.

I've moved one step forward and I also comment out:


and it works like a charm - I received email without subject.

Seems, that Mail::Send function is somewhere invoked with shop name prefix added (subject argument)

    public static function send(
        $toName = null,
        $from = null,
        $fromName = null,
        $fileAttachment = null,
        $mode_smtp = null,
        $templatePath = _PS_MAIL_DIR_,
        $die = false,
        $idShop = null,
        $bcc = null,
        $replyTo = null,
        $replyToName = null


Does anyone have an idea, what's going on?

I'm an software engineer, but experienced with embedded systems rather than web development - and this is my first attempt to setup the shop.


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