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ERROR: Price specification not found for currency:

Jarkko Muhonen

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Yeah this was the same issue I had with the Migration Pro Module for past orders which seemed to not align with payment id's
The tables that need fixing is ps_orders and ps_order_payment under the id_currency column/field

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same problem here on PS with the Classic theme. I have found past orders in ps_orders and ps_order_payment with id_currency = 0.
I updated id_currency to the single currency existting in the shop: id = 1.

Not solved.

In backoffice the orders listing, for those orders only, returns http500.
I have 988 orders and only 31 (the very first orders from 2016 - 2018 period) of them had id_currency = 0. In the backoffice listing of orders, with a setting of showing 20 orders on page, every page loads but the last one and the one before.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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So from what I have experienced, is that the entire orders list is queried even though it only displays 20,30,50,100 of your choosing.
So you need to go back to the tables ps_orders and ps_order_payment and sort by the id_currency column/field to make sure there is no other values there besides the value "2"
If there is just one pre-existing order with another value that does not tie up to the ps_currency table "2" then it will throw the error you are experiencing.

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