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Delivery address of an order made : variable ???


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Good morning all.

I am currently in the payment_return.tpl file and I need to have access to various variables.

{$ customer.lastname}: name of the customer,
{$ customer.firstname}: customer's first name,
{$ customer.email}: customer's email,
{$ customer.birthday}: date of birth of the customer,
{$ customer.id}: customer identifier,
{$ customer.phone_mobile}
{$ customer.phone}
{$ id_order}: order identifier
{$ reference}: order reference,

are accessible.

Now I need to retrieve the delivery address for the order, but despite my research I can't. Could you please help me.

I noticed that these variables are also accessible in the ps_checkpayment.php file in the following form:

$ this-> context-> customer-> lastname,
$ this-> context-> customer-> firstname,
$ this-> context-> customer-> email,
$ this-> context-> customer-> birthday,
$ this-> context-> customer-> firstname,
$ this-> context-> customer-> id,

Thank you

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