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[problem] Default combinations doesn't work PS


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Dear PS Community,

I'm having big problem with product combinations in my shop. When setting default combination for product, it changes it's price in product list, but after entering a product the price vary and wrong (not cheapest set) options are selected. I went deep for this problem and gathered some details about it:

1. When entering a product by URL with parameters, always the same set of options is set (always the first set of product combinations list in backed view product->combintaions),
1a. For some time I thought that always most-left options (in frontend view) are selected, but then I changed positions of example attribute options and my theory failed,
2. When clicking product options, it changes params in URL, however refresh with this URL will lead to point 1,
3. There is PrettyUrl addon installed and URLs looks like: https://website.ex/category/prod-name#/156-attr1-value/163-attr2-value ({category:/}{rewrite}),
4. I replaced my product.tpl with original file from classic, but it didn't help.


Any ideas how to fix it or what may cause this problem?


Edited by Smokovsky (see edit history)
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