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standard theme prestashop 1.4 - replacing white background by one big image

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when you install prestashop 1.4 there comes a standard simple theme with it

having a white background, i would like to replace the entire background (entire space in background)
by one big image in background, i mean i would like to try the effect of
one big background picture (only the product and categorie and other 'grey-white boxes where there is text or pictures in, i want to leave these but want the white in body, head, footer, left, right, the so called 'empty white space' replaced by one big picture),

i think i must change different things in the file global.css but it's like i can change footer, head, body but i want one picture going above all these differents parts of the pages , not the image on different places if that's understandable;)

thanks for any help or advice

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when you install prestashop 1.4 there comes a standard simple theme with it

having a white background, i would like to replace the entire background (entire space in background)
by one big image in background, i mean i would like to try the effect of
one big background picture (only the product and categorie and other 'grey-white boxes where there is text or pictures in, i want to leave these but want the white in body, head, footer, left, right, the so called 'empty white space' replaced by one big picture),

i think i must change different things in the file global.css but it's like i can change footer, head, body but i want one picture going above all these differents parts of the pages , not the image on different places if that's understandable;)

thanks for any help or advice

Do you mean... like this:

www.nonstopshopping.co.uk ?
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thanks for your answer,

i managed to change the background image/colour and came across what i see on your site too, so i mean picture left and right of the body,
i would like it to be at head, at footer and between the text boxes in the middle of the body too, so the places in between which are black in the case of your site, i would like to shine the background image shining through there as well so everywhere between the text boxes,

maybe i must delete all different parts of the page concerning background colours/images and than develope a new code for the background of the entire page or something like that ...?

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tricky tricky lol

I have not tried that and it looks hard on what you are trying to do.

You can have a full background image replacing the background which is not a problem.

What is your website link? Just to see ..

But getting everything right will be hard i guess. You can try messing about the background image on photoshop?

It may work.

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well i kind of installed the basic template 1.4 again, because my template earth 1.3 was giving some faults
so to start again i just installed back the basic template to try to work from there
and to delete all my trial and errors and changes

yes i know it looks tricky to me too lol

well i did the same as you so i can make it with my background left and right
but i have been thinking about photoshop for the other parts but don't think it will look as if the picture is one big picture
when i must paste parts of the picture and try to see if it will have a good result and i
personally think after trying lots of things that is not really giving a good result

hmmm i should find something to fix the entire background, or replace all the white stuff or make some things transparant,
maybe i am asking something impossible who knows

i don't know yet, hope i still find somewhere somehow something lol
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yes i just checked on another computer, it's being reviewed by the webhost at this moment i am afraid ... no idea how long that takes, but it's similar to your site i mean basic 1.4 theme newly installed so similar as in the reviewpage when it comes to background (white everywhere)

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hi, thanks, not sure if the site is viewable already as i can't check right now on another computer

but i attached something i tried

i managed to get something similar as if i want but well i kind of need to fix some things like delete that question image and to get back some white colour at header and footer in the place there are links so text can be seen like contact, bookmark etcetera so at top entirely and at bottom entirely a small white row i need back so text is readable again, and the white colour around some images in the middle and at side i would like to have image there as well, but maybe i need to replace them with new images which i can turn into transparent images (i read about it but well not tried to make images transparent so not sure if that would help, maybe i need to change code somewhere),
so hopefully these things are fixable as well ...


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