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Allowed module names

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I develop few minor modules and want to release them under my company name. I was planning to use common prefix for all my modules, like a "mysoft_" (e.g. "mysoft_orders", "mysoft_shipments", "mysoft_customers").

  1. Similar concept is used by PrestaShop modules that have "ps_" prefix (e.g. "ps_banner", "ps_mainmenu")
  2. Manual's Folder structure uses "<name_of_the_module>" and "<module_name>" that suggests that underscores are OK

I first noticed a problem when reading Translation domain documentation. It says that "Nameofthemodule" part in the "Modules.Nameofthemodule.Specificpart" convention allows only [0-9] and [a-Z] characters.

So far I solved that by using

$this->trans('Hello', [], 'Modules.Mysoft_orders.Admin')

(and it works).

What's the real answer though? Can I use "mysoft_orders" module name and "Modules.Mysoft_orders.Admin"?

Or do I have to rename (to less elegant for me) "mysoftorders", "mysoftshipments", "mysoftcustomers"?

Edited by Daniel M (see edit history)
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