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I am in the process of planing an upgrade from PS to a stable 1.7.x (I was told 1.7.6 is a good stable choice)

In that process php will be upgraded from 5.6.36 to php 7.2.

I've read that I need to de-activate modules not php 7.2 compatible. 

But how do I tell? That goes for Theme as well - how do I tell if Theme is php 7.2 compatible?

Or do I just try it out and use the "the exclusion method"? (phew, I guess that will take long)

I would prefere having the migration done effortless and rather deactivate the "garbage" and find similar modules/theme that will work.

Maybe you can tell of your migration/upgrade? What you know now, you should have done for a smoother transaction?

Thank you - it will help out many ppl with the same hesitation.





I am in the process of planing an upgrade from PS to a stable 1.7.x (I was told 1.7.6 is a good stable choice)

In that process php will be upgraded from 5.6.36 to php 7.2.

I've read that I need to de-activate modules not php 7.2 compatible. 

But how do I tell? That goes for Theme as well - how do I tell if Theme is php 7.2 compatible?

Or do I just try it out and use the "the exclusion method"? (puh I guess that will take long)

I would prefere having the migration done effortless and rather deactivate the "garbage" and find similar modules/theme that will work.

Maybe you can tell of your migration/upgrade? What you know now, you should have done for a smoother transaction?

Thank you - it will help out many ppl with the same hesitation.





I am in the process of planing an upgrade from PS 1.6.13 to a stable 1.7. (I was told 1.7.6 is a good stable choice)

In that process php will be upgraded from 5.6.36 to php 7.2.

I've read that I need to de-activate modules not php 7.2 compatible. 

But how do I tell? That goes for Theme as well - how do I tell if Theme is php 7.2 compatible?

Or do I just try it out and use the "the exclusion method"? (puh I guess that will take long)

I would prefere having the migration done effortless and rather deactivate the "garbage" and find similar modules/theme that will work.

Maybe you can tell of your migration/upgrade? What you know now, you should have done for a smoother transaction?

Thank you - it will help out many ppl with the same hesitation.


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