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Help planning an upgrade of PS and PHP 5.6


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I am in the process of planing an upgrade from PS to a stable 1.7.x (I was told 1.7.6 is a good stable choice)

In that process php will be upgraded from 5.6.36 to php 7.2.

I've read that I need to de-activate modules not php 7.2 compatible. 

But how do I tell? That goes for Theme as well - how do I tell if Theme is php 7.2 compatible?

Or do I just try it out and use the "the exclusion method"? (phew, I guess that will take long)

I would prefere having the migration done effortless and rather deactivate the "garbage" and find similar modules/theme that will work.

Maybe you can tell of your migration/upgrade? What you know now, you should have done for a smoother transaction?

Thank you - it will help out many ppl with the same hesitation.


Edited by Shopify (see edit history)
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  • Shopify changed the title to Help planning an upgrade of PS and PHP 5.6

I am puzzled by your starting point.

No 1.6 theme works under 1.7 and almost no 1.6 module works under 1.7. So start buying a 1.7 theme. Almost by definition it will be PHP 7.2 compatible. And look for replacements for your third party modules. Ask their suppliers and look for documentation.

There are lots of upgrade descriptions in the forum and elsewhere. So just the basics:

 - make a copy of your shop and upgrade that. Getting everything working can take time and you don't want your shop offline for a long time.

 - before you upgrade bring the shop back to the default theme and uninstall and remove the theme and all modules that are not 1.7 compatible.

 - upgrades often go wrong. So reserve some time to work things out and test. If everything fails migration software is an alternative.

 - after you have worked everything out you can migrate the latest data from the old shop and put the new one online. You can also apply all the changes you made to the old shop but that assumes very good record keeping and a dose of luck.

In some cases my free tool Copy_shopdata can help.

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