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How create checkout in two pages > first page to select + schedule distribution point / second page to select products


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I have a friend that sells fruits all around Europe and need help to implement something

He has several distribution points (ar. 50) each of them opens with specific calendar, weeks and days

For each distribution point, some products are available or not depending on policy of the distrib point

Products (fruits) are seasonal, availabily of products will be defined regarding another calendar as well

Customers order several type/quantities/box of different fruits for one date, then they pick up directly their order the date defined


We don't really know how to create the stuff, but need :

1/ something very easy / ergonomic on backend 

2/ something super clear on frontend


Back end . Basically we would need to define the calendars for all distribution points, and available product per distribution point


Front end . We want the customers

1/ select the country they live (Switzerland, France, Spain...) then the city they live (City 1,2,3...)

2/ regading this first choice, a list of distribution point is shown up by date (weekly)

3/ the customer selects the week he wants to pick up + distrib point

4/ validation of schedule + distrib point

These first steps are related to the distribution point calendar


5/ the customer is redirected to the product page, and select a list of the fruits he wants

Here we need a page that shows up a LIST of products = fruits available, not only one product... 

The fruits shown here are related to the fruits calendar + distribution point policy (priority on distribution point policy ie. if fruit is available but distribution point doesn't want to distrib the fruit, then the fruit isn't shown)


6/ checkout


Any way to do that with plugins ?


















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