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Invoice (pdf) specific letter problem

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I have problem with Latvian letters, they don't show properly in invoice. I tried to change encoding but in all encodings letters shows - for example ē - e , ā - a ...! And in encoding cp1257 and iso-8859-4 where letters need to be displayed correctly they appears incorrectly. I attached pdf example what shows how specific letters shows in invoice. In invoice in "first name" field I tipped in letters - "ēūīāšģķļ", and in "last name" field I tipped letters - "žčņģķļ". They are all my language specific letters and all are displayed incorrectly.
So I would like to know how to make this letters show in invoice correctly? And if it's font's fault of encoding?

EDIT: I added both invoices - 000004 with encoding - cp1257 and invoice 000005 with encoding iso-8859-4.

Best regards,



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