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impossible for the client to download virtual product when the cache LiteSpeede module is activated

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Good morning all.

I am here to ask for your assistance with the LiteSpeed cache module.
After installing it, the client can no longer download the virtual product after payment. When the customer clicks on the download link the message is displayed "This site is unreachable The web page at https: //mydomain/index.php? Controller = get-file & key = 513c1b70bdac264e888469452b5f9c69829c7a4e-8b46f54bdf38d756a39ffeeb695 either temporarily inaccessible or has been moved permanently to a different web address.

And when I turn off LiteSpeed cache, the virtual product downloads normally.

Others have they already encountered this problem? please help me fixed it.
the LiteSpeed cache module performed better on my site apart from this problem. help me

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