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Set language default and get language from browser


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prestashop version

I find this in class/cookie.php line 315

if (!$this->_standalone && !Language::getLanguage((int)$this->id_lang)) { 
	$this->id_lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); 
	// set detect_language to force going through Tools::setCookieLanguage to figure out browser lang 
	$this->detect_language = true;

i trie in back office :

localization>idioms i have (english,spanish) active and others languages inactive

in localization>localization i set configuration>language_default to english.

My idea is that when entering from a browser with language in Spanish lang = 'es' enter the Spanish language in the front but when entering any other language for example when entering from lang = 'fr' enter the front with English language. And clean cache.


i tried this is correct? because when I enter from a browser in Spanish enters the front in English. 

Edited by victorweb (see edit history)
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