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productcomments ServiceNotFoundException


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php 7.2

At production environment I call the url https://torretecidos.com.br/module/productcomments/ListComments?id_product=55501261&page=1

and get this



at Development enviroment I get correct answer 


{"comments_nb":2,"comments_per_page":"5","comments":[{"id_product":"55501261","id_product_comment":"651","title":"Indico!","content":"Tecido bonito, brilhoso e o blackout funciona. Coloquei em um quarto e ficou melhor do que eu imaginava.","customer_name":"Rosy","date_add":"05\/12\/17 16:13","grade":"5","firstname":null,"lastname":null,"usefulness":0,"total_usefulness":0},{"id_product":"55501261","id_product_comment":"502","title":"Tecido blackout ","content":"Tecido de qualidade e entrega rápida! \r\nSatisfeito com o produto e com a loja!","customer_name":"Marcelo Vogel ","date_add":"25\/04\/17 15:33","grade":"5","firstname":null,"lastname":null,"usefulness":0,"total_usefulness":0}]}

The database of both are equal:


at product page, the comment count appears, but they are not listed:


Tks in advance


Edited by pabloliracecilio (see edit history)
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Just leaving the fix I had to do so others can save some time:
at file modules/productcomments/controllers/front/ListComments;php
around line 60 there is:
dateFormatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
I swiched that to the date_format aproach, and it worked,

like that
/**$dateFormatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
$productComment['customer_name'] = htmlentities($productComment['customer_name']);
$productComment['title'] = htmlentities($productComment['title']);
$productComment['content'] = htmlentities($productComment['content']);
$productComment['date_add'] = date_format($dateAdd,"d/m/Y H:i:s");//$dateFormatter->format($dateAdd);


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