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SEO preview, and google search


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Hi. I have problem with google search. 

I add the JT3026J item in backoffice. If i chceck the seo preview in backoffice, its good. 

But if i search in google the JT3026J item, the googe preview, and prestashop seo preview its not a same.

The meta description its bad.

If i click in the link in google search results to JT3026J, the page not show the item, show only main presta page.

Chcek the result link. The link is jde.sk/... , not this link, to JT3026J



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There is no solution. Google is the King of the world and decides which meta description and title match the best with your site. You could create more content. I mean that your product description should include 500 to 600 words if you don't want to challenge Google's interpretation.

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