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Product name admin displays N/A


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I am unable to see the name of a new product or edit the name of an existing product so it displays correctly in admin products list. When I add a new product it displays N/A and when I change an existing name nothing changes. Everything seems to function eg SEO and it displays ok the frontend. 

The products were imported from the previous version but did not show any errors.

Do you think the import could be the problem?


PrestaShop version:

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 7.3.27

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 30

Upload Max File size: 256






Screenshot 2021-02-09 at 14.43.53.png

Edited by wfdeanb (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...

And it is obvious that by Disabling English language for frontpage backend not able to show language name for English in backend. But language settings are for frorntend and there are should be some simple workaround.

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